Chapter 215 Dumplings
The man in black next to him said, "Master Ping, we should arrest him and go back."

Hou Ping glared at him, and the man in black had no choice but to back down, "Little beauty, well, I can't tell you yet."

Han Quce smiled lightly, fascinated Hou Ping, "So you came to arrest me without knowing, so your father valued you so much?"

Hou Ping swallowed, this man is really charming, "How is that possible?"

"Then you said, it's for the sake of the eldest prince. If you arrest me, you can threaten my father?" Han Quce guessed, in fact, Han Quce also guessed very closely.

Hou Ping nodded, "A beauty is a beauty, so smart, beauty, come with us."

Han Quce laughed, "Then is this the last time, am I going to die?"

Hou Ping shook his head immediately, with regret on his face, "How could it be, how could I let the beauty die, if the beauty is willing to marry me, maybe you don't have to die."

"Marry you? What's the benefit?" Han Quce said.

The man in black next to him saw that Hou Ping was still talking to Han Quce, and he was a little anxious, "Master, we should go."

"Leaving in such a hurry, you can't be afraid of someone." Han Quce deliberately provoked them.

Hou Ping was originally a simple-minded man with well-developed limbs. Hearing Han Quce say this, of course he had to look a little more manly, "How could that be? I'm Master Hou. Who am I afraid of?"

"Then why do your subordinates feel so scared?" Han Quce continued to delay as much as possible.

Hou Ping glared at a few people, and looked at Han Quce with a smile, "These are useless, how can they compare with this young master."

"Okay, then let's continue talking, what do you like about me?"

Hou Ping squinted at Han Quce, "I like your good looks."

"There are a lot of people who look better than me."

Hou Ping shook his head, "But you are more special than them, tsk tsk, think about the sound you make under your body, ah, think about it, it is so wonderful, absolutely wonderful, just think about it, it makes people feel like a beast." Hou Ping Even more nasty and wretched.

Han Quce felt disgusted to death, but there was no other way, so he swallowed his breath and said together later, "Really?"

Hou Ping nodded, "It's comparable to those in brothels..." Before Hou Ping finished speaking, he fell to the ground in a daze.

The man in black next to him panicked, and hurriedly needed to find the person who issued the hidden weapon.

"Whoo, whoosh, whoosh." Several times, several men in black fell to the ground.

Before they fell down, they saw a pair of feet appearing in front of their eyes.

Han Quce looked at Lu Yu in front of him, and his heart dropped. Lu Yu hugged Han Quce, "It's all my fault, I shouldn't leave you here alone."

Han Quce shook his head, "It's okay, it's fine if you come." Han Quce hugged Lu Yu back, "Did Han want to find it?"

"I found him. He was injured, but the injury is not serious. Xia Yan and Xiao Han have already helped him back. I was worried about you, so I came back quickly." Lu Yu said, "It's a good thing I came early, otherwise this thing still pointed at him. I don't know what to do." Lu Yu was still indignant and kicked him.

"This thing really hasn't changed since childhood." Han Quce shook his head in disgust.

Lu Yu said, "You knew him since childhood?"

"Well, I met him when I was a child. He is very weak, but his eyes reveal a wretched look, so I never stay alone with him."

Lu Yu nodded, "This thing should be alone."

"Send them to prison first." Han Quce said.

"Well, wait for Xia Yan to come back." Lu Yu said.

Before the two of them finished speaking, Xia Yan and Xiao Han came back with support.

Lu Yu helped the two of them send Han Xiang into the house, and then explained some things to Xia Yan and Xiao Han, and Xia Yan ran out to deal with Xiao Han.

Han Quce fetched a basin of water, making Han want to wipe off the dirt on his face.

"Thank you, young master." Han wanted to throw the dirty towel into the basin.

Han Quce nodded, "What's the matter with you?"

"It was the men in black who knocked me out and then left." Han Xiang said truthfully.

Han Quce said, "It's a good thing they didn't do anything to you. I'm relieved that you're fine."

"Well, don't worry, young master."

Lu Yu and Han Quce left the room, making Han want to change clothes by himself.

Lu Yu and Han Quce went back to the room, and brought Han Xiang some golden sore medicine, and asked him to wipe the wound to avoid infection.

Lu Yu and Han Quce sat in the hall, Xia Yan and Han Xiang came back soon.

Xia Yan said, "My lord, Hou Ping and those men in black have been put in jail and under strict supervision."

Xiao Han then came in, "My lord, we have sent more people to guard the Lu residence, it is very safe now."

"Add more people to guard the Lu residence?" Han Quce asked.

Lu Yu nodded, "Yes, it's not very safe now. Before Xuanyuan Mo ascended the throne, you were not safe. For example, today, we are not here, and no one can protect you, so send some people to increase your safety. "

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Han Quce said to Xia Yan and Xiao Han.

Xia Yan and Xiao Han laughed, "It is right to protect Madam."

It's a good thing Han Quce didn't drink any water, why not spray them all over. .

Xia Yan and Xiao Han, you are really enough.. .

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival naturally eats zongzi.

So Han Quce and the others bought a lot of zongzi, and distributed two zongzi to each of the arresters at the gate.

Several people sat around the table and ate the steamed rice dumplings, feeling very good.

"This one is from red beans." Lu Yu peeled off the zongzi and handed it to Han Quce, "Don't you like to eat it?"

Han Quce took the zongzi, "Thank you."

Xiang Hua took two zongzi, "Nod your head, it tastes good, not bad."

Xia Yan looked at Xiang Hua's gluttonous appearance, smiled and shook his head, "Eat slowly, it feels like you haven't eaten before."

Xiang Hua said, "The last Dragon Boat Festival was a year ago, and I haven't eaten for a year."

Xiao Yun nibbled on the zongzi his brother had peeled, "I haven't eaten since noon."

Han Quce patted Xiao Yun's head, "It's all my fault, I was in a hurry to find Han Xiang, but I forgot to make lunch." At noon, everyone split up to find Han Xiang before lunch, Xiao Yun replied obediently After entering the room, he slept soundly all afternoon until Xiao Han told him to wake up.

Han Xiang said with an apologetic face, "It's all my fault, I'm so useless."

Xia Yan patted Han Xiang on the shoulder, "As long as you are fine, let's eat zongzi."

Han Xiang nodded and ate the rice dumplings.

"By the way, what about that Hou Ping?" Han Quce asked, there was another Hou Ping in the prison.

Lu Yu said, "When will Xuanyuanmo ascend the throne and when will he be released?"

Han Quce nodded, "However, will those men in black escape?"

Xia Yan said, "Master, don't worry, I have isolated them, and there are guards everywhere, so they can't escape."

"En." Han Quce nodded, "That's good."

(End of this chapter)

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