Chapter 216 Morning sickness?

Lu Yu and Han Quce sat in the hall, Xia Yan and Han Xiang came back soon.

Xia Yan said, "My lord, Hou Ping and those men in black have been put in jail and under strict supervision."

Xiao Han then came in, "My lord, we have sent more people to guard the Lu residence, it is very safe now."

"Add more people to guard the Lu residence?" Han Quce asked.

Lu Yu nodded, "Yes, it's not very safe now. Before Xuanyuan Mo ascended the throne, you were not safe. For example, today, we are not here, and no one can protect you, so send some people to increase your safety. "

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you." Han Quce said to Xia Yan and Xiao Han.

Xia Yan and Xiao Han laughed, "It is right to protect Madam."

It's a good thing Han Quce didn't drink any water, why not spray them all over. .

Xia Yan and Xiao Han, you are really enough.. .

Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Dragon Boat Festival naturally eats zongzi.

So Han Quce and the others bought a lot of zongzi, and distributed two zongzi to each of the arresters at the gate.

Several people sat around the table and ate the steamed rice dumplings, feeling very good.

"This one is from red beans." Lu Yu peeled off the zongzi and handed it to Han Quce, "Don't you like to eat it?"

Han Quce took the zongzi, "Thank you."

Xiang Hua took two zongzi, "Nod your head, it tastes good, not bad."

Xia Yan looked at Xiang Hua's gluttonous appearance, smiled and shook his head, "Eat slowly, it feels like you haven't eaten before."

Xiang Hua said, "The last Dragon Boat Festival was a year ago, and I haven't eaten for a year."

Xiao Yun nibbled on the zongzi his brother had peeled, "I haven't eaten since noon."

Han Quce patted Xiao Yun's head, "It's all my fault, I was in a hurry to find Han Xiang, but I forgot to make lunch." At noon, everyone split up to find Han Xiang before lunch, Xiao Yun replied obediently After entering the room, he slept soundly all afternoon until Xiao Han told him to wake up.

Han Xiang said with an apologetic face, "It's all my fault, I'm so useless."

Xia Yan patted Han Xiang on the shoulder, "As long as you are fine, let's eat zongzi."

Han Xiang nodded and ate the rice dumplings.Lu Yu said, "When will Xuanyuanmo ascend the throne and when will he be released?"

Han Quce nodded, "However, will those men in black escape?"

Xia Yan said, "Master, don't worry, I have isolated them, and there are guards everywhere, so they can't escape."

"En." Han Quce nodded, "That's good."

A few people quickly wiped out a plate of zongzi, didn't eat at noon, and went to find Han Xiang in the afternoon, naturally starving to death.

"Suddenly I began to miss the days when I had servant girls." Xia Yan gritted his teeth.

Xiang Hua nodded, "I've always missed it. I didn't do it myself to get enough food and clothing. If I were to live in the wild, I would definitely do it myself to get enough food and clothing."

Xiao Yun raised his head and asked, "Why?"

Xiang Hua said with a smile, "My father never taught me anything since I was a child, but he taught me outdoor survival training."

"Wow, it feels so powerful." Xiao Yun said, "Then why did your father teach you this?"

"Because it is necessary to lead troops to fight in the future." Xiang Hua said, "I have wanted to be a general like my father since I was a child."

Lu Yu said, "A tiger father has no dogs."

Xiao Yun suddenly felt that he looked at Xiang Hua differently. He used to think that he was a big brother who loved to eat, play, and talk nonsense, but now his image in his heart suddenly became very tall.

Several people went back to their rooms after eating, and there were still rice dumpling wrappers and other garbage on the table.these people..I'm so lazy at home...

In the early morning of the next day, the maids and servants came back and looked at the pile of rubbish on the table.Too..That's it..Whoever made them work is that..

***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ************************************************************************ Princess Zhaowu has been pregnant since the doctor said she was pregnant , Chen Yuan is very concerned about it, and he stays with her every day, and even asks people to cook some supplements for her body every day. Every time Princess Zhaowu smells this smell, she feels very nauseous, and she doesn't know if she is If you eat too much, you will feel uncomfortable when you smell it.

"Ugh." Princess Zhaowu covered her throat and vomited out all the supplements she had just eaten. She felt very uncomfortable, her stomach was churning, and she especially wanted to eat sour food.

Chen Yuan patted Princess Zhaowu on the back worriedly, "Princess, are you okay, do you want me to ask a doctor to check your body, it's not good if you continue like this."

Princess Zhaowu hurriedly waved her hand, if the doctor came to investigate again and accidentally told the truth, that she was not pregnant, it would be really bad, "No, I don't need it, I will feel better after drinking a cup of hot water .”

Chen Yuan immediately poured a cup of hot water for Princess Zhaowu, and after drinking it, Princess Zhaowu felt much better.

"Princess, I'd better go find a doctor." Chen Yuan said again.

Princess Zhaowu looked at Wang Momo, and Wang Momo immediately came out to make a rescue, "This is morning sickness, and the minister's reaction is like this for pregnant people. My son-in-law, let me help the princess to rest for a while." In fact, Wang Momo I also have some doubts in my heart, this princess is not really pregnant, although she has never given birth to a child, she has seen the concubine give birth.

Chen Yuan nodded, "Then please trouble Wang Momo. Today I have something to discuss with Lord Zhu. I may not be able to come back today, so I will ask Wang Momo to take care of the princess for me today."

Wang Momo smiled and shook her head, "What is the son-in-law talking about, it is my duty to take care of the princess, besides, I have grown up with the princess, if you have something to do, please go quickly, I will take good care of the princess. "

Chen Yuan nodded, "Yes." Then he lowered his head and said softly to the princess, "Princess, I may not be able to accompany you today because of something, you have to take good care of yourself and be careful."

"Okay, my lord, go slowly." Princess Zhaowu nodded.

Chen Yuan hummed and left.

Princess Zhaowu looked at Chen Yuanyuan's back and said, "Nurse Wang, find someone to keep an eye on him."

Wang Momo immediately understood, "Yes." Then she went to the door to find a young man, and after explaining some things, she came back again, "The princess has already found someone to watch."

"Is he reliable?"

"It's our people."


"Princess, let me help you go back."

Princess Zhaowu waved her hand, "No, I don't need it, and I'm not really pregnant."


"Needless to say, it's time for me to meet Zhao Xue."

Wang Momo said, "That girl?"

"Well, by the way, has the tonic been sent to her?"

Wang Momo smiled, "It has been delivered every day on time. I think this girl is really not far from death."

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "Then let's "visit", "visit", her."

"Yes." Wang Momo smiled and helped Princess Zhaowu out.

(End of this chapter)

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