Chapter 217
Ever since the doctor told Princess Zhaowu that she was pregnant, Chen Yuan had been very concerned about her. He stayed with her every day and even asked people to cook some supplements for her every day. Every time Princess Zhaowu smelled this This smell makes me want to vomit, and I don't know if I have eaten too much. When I smell this smell, I feel uncomfortable.

"Ugh." Princess Zhaowu covered her throat and vomited out all the supplements she had just eaten. She felt very uncomfortable, her stomach was churning, and she especially wanted to eat sour food.

Chen Yuan patted Princess Zhaowu on the back worriedly, "Princess, are you okay, do you want me to ask a doctor to check your body, it's not good if you continue like this."

Princess Zhaowu hurriedly waved her hand, if the doctor came to investigate again and accidentally told the truth, that she was not pregnant, it would be really bad, "No, I don't need it, I will feel better after drinking a cup of hot water .”

Chen Yuan immediately poured a cup of hot water for Princess Zhaowu, and after drinking it, Princess Zhaowu felt much better.

"Princess, I'd better go find a doctor." Chen Yuan said again.

Princess Zhaowu looked at Wang Momo, and Wang Momo immediately came out to make a rescue, "This is morning sickness, and the minister's reaction is like this for pregnant people. My son-in-law, let me help the princess to rest for a while." In fact, Wang Momo I also have some doubts in my heart, this princess is not really pregnant, although she has never given birth to a child, she has seen the concubine give birth.

Chen Yuan nodded, "Then please trouble Wang Momo. Today I have something to discuss with Lord Zhu. I may not be able to come back today, so I will ask Wang Momo to take care of the princess for me today."

Wang Momo smiled and shook her head, "What is the son-in-law talking about, it is my duty to take care of the princess, besides, I have grown up with the princess, if you have something to do, please go quickly, I will take good care of the princess. "

Chen Yuan nodded, "Yes." Then he lowered his head and said softly to the princess, "Princess, I may not be able to accompany you today because of something, you have to take good care of yourself and be careful."

"Okay, my lord, go slowly." Princess Zhaowu nodded.

Chen Yuan hummed and left.

Princess Zhaowu looked at Chen Yuanyuan's back and said, "Nurse Wang, find someone to keep an eye on him."

Wang Momo immediately understood, "Yes." Then she went to the door to find a young man, and after explaining some things, she came back again, "The princess has already found someone to watch."

"Is he reliable?"

"It's our people."


"Princess, let me help you go back."

Princess Zhaowu waved her hand, "No, I don't need it, and I'm not really pregnant."


"Needless to say, it's time for me to meet Zhao Xue."

Wang Momo said, "That girl?"

"Well, by the way, has the tonic been sent to her?"

Wang Momo smiled, "It has been delivered every day on time. I think this girl is really not far from death."

Princess Zhaowu nodded, "Then let's "visit", "visit", her."

"Yes." Wang Momo smiled and helped Princess Zhaowu out.

***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ***************************************************** ****************************************Zhao Xue was half lying on the bed, touching the twins next to her Face, these days, she feels that she is getting weaker and weaker. She knows that her time is really running out.

Chun'er came up with a bowl of medicine, "Miss, it's time to take medicine."

Zhao Xue shook her head and smiled wryly, "Taking medicine again, what's the difference between taking medicine and not taking medicine for my body?"

Chun'er sighed, "Miss, if you are told that, you will be fine."

"Well, I hope so." Zhao Xue said, "Do we still have money?"

Chun'er said, "Yesterday, the princess sent someone to deliver tonics and paid our rent. The princess is really a good person."

Zhao Xue nodded, "Yeah, I am also satisfied to meet such a good person."

"Then, Miss, drink the medicine quickly, don't disappoint the princess' heart." Chun'er said.

Zhao Xue still shook her head, "No, I don't want to drink anymore."

"Miss Zhao will be fine if she doesn't drink." Princess Zhaowu walked in with a smile, "Chun'er, your door is not closed."

Chun'er slapped her forehead, "I forgot."

Princess Zhaowu smiled and shook her head, "Don't be so careless next time, if someone with a plot accidentally sees you two beautiful girls, he won't be moved."

Chun'er and Zhao Xue laughed, Zhao Xue said, "Why is the princess here, please sit down, Chun'er will serve tea soon."


Chun'er was about to pour tea, but was stopped by Princess Zhaowu, "Don't bother me, I just came to see Miss Zhao." In fact, Princess Zhaowu just didn't want to drink the tea here, because she really couldn't drink the low-grade tea in the inn .

"Mother Wang." Princess Zhaowu called out.

Wang Momo put a lot of things in her arms on the table with a blank face, and then retreated behind Princess Zhaowu.

Princess Zhaowu "smiled" and said, "These are some daily necessities I bought for you."

Zhao Xue smiled weakly, "Princess, you are so polite."

Princess Zhaowu walked to the bed and sat on the head of the bed. In fact, Princess Zhaowu was very unwilling to get close to this "sick ghost", and ordinary people like this would kneel when they saw the princess, but there was no way, she still had things to do When it's over, I can only bear with it, "This is all as it should be. If it weren't for Mr. Xianggong not willing to accept you, we would have been a family long ago." Princess Zhaowu said this with a somewhat lonely look.

Zhao Xue patted Princess Zhaowu's hand comfortingly, "I don't count on him anymore, this heartless man."

"Hey, although I'm a princess, I don't have real power, otherwise I wouldn't marry him. I'm actually doing well... hey." Princess Zhaowu hesitated to speak.

"I know, but thank you for sending these supplements every day."

"It's just my compensation to you." Princess Zhaowu said.

After Princess Zhaowu said a few words to Zhao Xue, she couldn't wait to leave, because she really couldn't stay there for half a minute.

Nanny Wang supported Princess Zhaowu into the carriage, and Princess Zhaowu gasped heavily, and Nanny Wang gave Princess Zhaowu a ride.

"How is the princess?" Wang Momo looked at Princess Zhaowu worriedly.

Princess Zhaowu took a deep breath, "I'm fine, but the smell of medicine inside is too bad." Although Princess Zhaowu is not favored, she is also a golden branch and jade leaf. Smelling this kind of waistline makes me feel very uncomfortable, and my stomach is churning like a sea.


(End of this chapter)

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