Chapter 219 is really spicy. . . .

Xiang Hua took a crab with a bitter face, "My young master is really miserable, I have to listen to children when eating crabs."

Lu Yu said, "It's good to eat what you have."

Lu Yu took a big crab, pried it open, and handed the crab roe to Han Quce, "Ah Qu, try it."

Han Quce nodded and took a sip, "It's delicious."

Xiang Hua curled his lips, "Can it be delicious? Even if it is given to you, you will still find it delicious."

Xiao Yun asked in confusion, "Why? Is the grass delicious too?"

Xiang Hua shook his head mysteriously, "Because they are sweet."

"Oh." Xiao Yun nodded, and continued to eat the crab roe that Xiao Han gave him.

A large plate of crabs was quickly wiped out. Xiang Hua licked his fingers, "It's really delicious, but it's a pity that there are too few of them."

"There are still crabs." Han Quce said with a smile, "It's just that they didn't finish a meal."

Xiang Hua said regretfully, "Why? It would be nice to eat them all."

Han Quce wiped it with a towel, "You can't eat too many crabs. Crabs are cold in nature. Eating too much is not good for your health."

Xiao Yun nodded, "Yes, Brother Xiang doesn't even understand this."

Xiang Hua coughed and turned his head awkwardly, "How could I not understand, I'm kidding you."

Xiao Yun nodded, "Oh, I see."

"Aunt Song doesn't seem to be in the back kitchen anymore." Xia Yan said, "Ahu said his mother wants to open a small shop by herself." Lu Yu said, "Aunt Song is so old, it's better to go home and raise her."

"Who will cook for us when Mrs. Song is gone? Then who will bring me snacks?" Xiao Yun pouted. He eats Mrs. Song's cooking every day. It is delicious, and Mrs. Song will always send some snacks to him He and Momo.

Xiang Hua said, "It's just a matter of time to invite some chefs. I haven't tasted the chef's craftsmanship for a long time. Trust me, I will leave this matter to me."

Han Quce nodded, "That's the only way to go."

"Just eat what you have." Xia Yan didn't care much.

Xiang Hua patted his thigh, "I'll invite you in the afternoon."

Xiao Yun said, "You must know how to make dim sum. Yun'er and Mo Mo like to eat dim sum the most."

"No problem, just say what you want." Xiang Hua said.

Xiang Hua's efficiency is really high, and he found a chef before night, but the salary is...Lu Yu still pays..

Xiang Hua smiled triumphantly, "Young Master, I'm amazing, the chef will be here within one afternoon."

Han Xiang, who was flipping the pages of the book, shook his head, "Tsk tsk, if I tell the outside world that Gaoxin is hiring chefs, I can recruit a lot of them, within an hour."

"Yo Yo Yo, the cold-blooded bodyguard Han Xiang can also tease people." Xiang Hua sarcastically said.

Han wanted to sneer, "Am I making fun of people?"

Xiang Hua jumped up, "Hmph, I didn't expect you to be articulate too. Forget it, I'd better go find Sister Chunxiang." After saying that, he left.

"Who is Chunxiang?" Lu Yu asked, "Does he still have friends?"

Han Quce said, "The little maid who tidies up the study always winks at Xiang Hua."

"You know all this?" Lu Yu looked at Han Quce, is this still Han Quce who doesn't hear anything out of the window?
Han Quce said, "I'm in the study every day, I don't know?"

"Hey, yes." Lu Yu smiled.

Finally at night, everyone was eagerly waiting for the chef to serve good dishes.

The servant girl started to serve the dishes one by one, and it was a good one when she saw that it was full of color, fragrance and taste.

Han Quce took a sip first, and his expression changed instantly. Everyone asked, "How is it? How is it?"

Han Quce nodded with difficulty, "It's okay."

Everyone couldn't wait to taste the dish, and then their faces changed.

Xiao Yun spat out the dish with a bitter face, almost crying, "It's so spicy..."

"It's really too spicy." Xia Yan also reluctantly swallowed the food.

Lu Yu also nodded, "Yeah, indeed. It's a bit... spicy."

Xiang Hua stuck out his tongue, "I didn't know it was from Sichuan,'s too spicy. I'll try other ones..."

Xiang Hua tried other dishes without giving up. As a result...One is hotter than the other..

Xiang Hua said embarrassedly, "I don't know either."

Han Quce sighed, "Forget it, it actually tastes pretty good, but it's just too spicy."

Xiao Yun nodded with a bitter face, "Yes."

Han Quce said, "Rinse with water, and then eat."

so..Ask the servant girls to bring them a glass of water each.
So the phenomenon at night is very strange..Everyone rinses in water before eating.

(End of this chapter)

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