Chapter 220 Miscarriage
In the early morning of the next day, Han Quce rarely slept. Whenever Han Quce ate spicy food, he would get angry and stayed up all night, so Lu Yu also stayed up all night with him.

Han Quce sat on the chair and watched Lu Yu, Xia Yan, Xiao Han and Han Xiang, they were practicing martial arts, and Xiang Hua. Han Quce felt sleepy after not sleeping all night and began to doze off.

Han Quce watched them finish the practice, stood up, stretched himself, and handed Lu Yu a towel.

Xiang Hua wiped his sweat and joked, "What's the matter, just give him a towel by himself."

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter? Can't my family get me a towel?"

Xiang Hua nodded, "Yes, yes, of course."

"My lord, Master, Young Master Xiang, Xia Yan, Xiao Han, Han are all here." Ah Hu walked over with a bundle.

Of course, Xiang Hua would not let go of any opportunity to tease, "Yo Yo Yo, how is Ah Hu's wedding and honeymoon going? Seeing that your face is rosy, it must be good."

Ah Hu was too honest, so he couldn't bear to be teased, so he touched his nose, "It's okay, but it's really good to have a wife."

"Hahaha." Xiang Hua laughed, "It's good to be a man now that you have a wife."

Ah Hu also laughed, "Yes, Young Master Xiang, why don't you find a wife."


"Because he can only be someone else's wife." Xia Yan said.

Everyone laughed, Han Quce said, "Ahu, how are you and Axiu doing?"

Ahu replied honestly, "Thank you, master, for your concern. Axiu and I are fine. My mother is still waiting for Axiu to have a grandson."

"Axiu is such a good girl, and you are so good, the two of you will naturally have many children." Xia Yan said.

"Then why are you here? To show your affection?" Xiang Hua said.

Ahu shook his head, "No." Ahu handed the burden to Xiang Hua, "This is my mother's vegetable cake, it's delicious, so let me bring it for you to try."

As soon as Xiang Hua heard that it was a gift from Mrs. Song, she was happy, "Mrs. Song's cooking is delicious, but it's a pity that she is no longer working in Lu's house."

Ahu smiled and said, "My mother only wants to have a grandson, and my mother has never thought about happiness in her life, so I just want to let him enjoy happiness at home."

Lu Yu patted Ah Hu on the shoulder, "Of course filial piety is a good thing, but Mrs. Song will be happy only if you hug your grandson."

Xiang Hua winked and said, "It's up to Ah Hu."

Ahu laughed a few times, "I'm working hard."

Before Ahu finished speaking, Axiu also came with a package, "What are you working on?"

Xiang Hua booed, "Is this a husband and wife team?"

Axiu looked more and more mature with her hair on her temples, and said with a smile, "Yes, so what?" Then she said to Ahu, "You took less things, so mother asked me to bring them over, just right, I want to see too Everyone, where is Yun'er?"

Xiao Han said with a smile, "Yun'er should have woken up, I just went to ask him to have breakfast." After saying that, he left.

Lu Yu said, "Since you are here, let's have breakfast together."

Ahu and Axiu nodded, and followed the crowd to the dining room.

Axiu looked at the familiar dining room, but she had a different feeling, maybe the whole Lu Mansion had a different feeling, she still remembered that she was an orphan before, because of the famine, she had to run around, and then she met Lu Yu and Brother Xia , they took her in, gave her a place to live, and taught her some self-defense martial arts. She regarded them as family members, and they also regarded themselves as family members. Later, she married Ah Hu, and she had a husband and mother-in-law. But that kind of home is a home that can make up for the longing in her heart. She is very grateful and grateful to the people she met.

Axiu took the two packages and went to the back kitchen to let the little maids warm them up.

After a while, Axiu returned to the dining room with some delicious pastries.

Looking at Axiu's graceful appearance, Xiang Hua couldn't help shaking his head, "Sure enough, being a woman is different."

Axiu smiled, "What's the difference?"

"It just feels different." Xiang Hua said.

Xiao Yun said sweetly, "No, Sister Axiu is as beautiful as usual."

Axiu pinched Xiao Yun's small face, "Oh, it's still Xiao Yun'er who can talk."

Xiao Yun smiled sweetly, "No, Yun'er is telling the truth."

"Hey, my sister treats you to something delicious." Axiu took a piece of dim sum and handed it to Xiao Yun, "This is delicious."

Xiao Yun took a sip, "It's really delicious."

Xiang Hua, who was looking at it, was so greedy that he picked up a piece and tasted it, "Not bad."

Today, Princess Zhaowu has been feeling weak and weak.

Wang Momo helped Princess Zhaowu out to bask in the sun.

Princess Zhaowu was sitting alone in the pavilion basking in the sun, while Nanny Wang went to pour tea.

Princess Zhaowu sat in the pavilion for a while, but she wanted to go for a walk before she saw anyone.

Princess Zhaowu watched as she walked unsteadily on the small bridge. Suddenly, a little maid came running over in a hurry.

Princess Zhaowu was still standing on the small bridge looking at the scenery. Suddenly, when her eyes were dark, she felt herself rolling off the bridge. After a while, she felt something warm from her thighs, and she passed out.

The little maid looked at the fallen princess, the bloody princess fainted, and fell to the ground in fright.

Wang Momo was holding a cup of tea from not far away. Seeing the princess falling on the ground bleeding, she was so frightened that she hurriedly threw away the tea set in her hand, ran up to help Princess Zhaowu, and shouted, "Come on!" People, hurry up, people... the princess is not good."

Wang Momo's call brought many maids, and all the maids hurriedly helped Princess Zhaowu back to the room, and even asked for a doctor.

Nanny Wang and Chen Yuan walked back and forth at the door of Princess Zhaowu's room. A little maid was kneeling on the ground, crying.

Wang Momo slapped her up, "You damn little bitch, man, if something happens to the princess, you don't have enough life to keep me company, I'm really mad at you." Wang Momo stroked her chest, The little servant girl helped him.

The door opened with a "squeak", and an old doctor with a medicine box came out, that is Zhu Li.

Dr. Zhu stroked his beard and shook his head, "I can't keep the child."

Wang Momo was stunned for a moment, "Child?"

As soon as Chen Yuan heard that the child was gone, he immediately ran in to comfort Princess Zhaowu.

Wang Momo grabbed Doctor Zhu, "You said the princess had a miscarriage?"

Doctor Zhu nodded, "Yes, the princess is pregnant for a month, what kind of cold food can I eat recently?"

"Things that are cold in nature? Crabs. Do they count?"

Doctor Zhu nodded, "Crabs are cold in nature and shouldn't be given to pregnant women. Crabs can cause fetal instability, especially the princess is only one month pregnant, but the princess doesn't eat much, and she can raise well, but being hit like this, Then something big will happen, the child is hopeless, but it’s a pity that he’s still a boy.”

"Well...then I would like to ask the doctor, princess, princess...does she still have a chance to have a child?"

"I'm going to prescribe some medicine for the princess to take care of her body. There will be children." Dr. Zhu stroked his beard.

"Come here, take the doctor down." Wang Momo asked Xue Er to take the doctor down to prescribe medicine.

Seeing the doctor leave, Wang Momo showed a ruthless face, looked at the trembling and crying little girl, and kicked him to the ground, "Come here, tie her up in the woodshed and beat me. "After finishing speaking, he shook his sleeves and left.

The little maid was dragged down while crying, "Mother Wang, please forgive me, please forgive me, Mother Wang..."

Chen Yuan looked at Princess Zhaowu lying on the bed, his face was extremely pale, Chen Yuan touched Princess Zhaowu's face with distress.

Princess Zhaowu slowly opened her eyes, looked at Chen Yuan in front of her, "Master, Mr. Me, what's wrong with me?"

Chen Yuan forced a smile, and lightly stroked Princess Zhaowu's hand, "There will be more children."

"Child?" Princess Zhaowu was a little puzzled. Could it be that Chen Yuan knew that he was not pregnant, "Sir, I..."

"You are very weak now, take a good rest." Chen Yuan helped Princess Zhaowu tuck the quilt, "Take a good sleep."

"En." This made Princess Zhaowu even more puzzled, what happened to all this?

Not long after Chen Yuan left, Mother Wang came in.

"Princess." Wang Momo stood in front of Princess Zhaowu, "Princess, how do you feel?"

Princess Zhaowu said, "I, I just feel very weak, but I don't understand, what happened?"

Wang Momo wiped her tears, "Princess, the child in your womb, he, you, you had a miscarriage."

"What?" Princess Zhaowu was stunned, "This is, what's going on? I, am I not pregnant?"

"Princess, you are already pregnant, it has been a month, and, moreover, the doctor said, it is still a boy." Wang Momo kept crying, "It's all my fault for the old servant, for letting that lowly maid bump into you."

Princess Zhaowu grabbed Wang Momo's hand, her eyes widened, "You mean, you mean, I'm really pregnant? Also, a boy?" Princess Zhaowu rubbed her stomach.

Nanny Wang nodded, "Yes, it's just... a miscarriage."

"This is... is this my retribution?" Princess Zhaowu burst into tears, "My child, my child..."

Wang Momo hurriedly helped the princess wipe away her tears, "Princess, don't be excited. You just had a miscarriage and your health is not good. Don't be excited. There will be more babies, you must pay attention to your body."

Princess Zhaowu sniffed, gritted her teeth and said, "Where's that lowly servant girl?"

"I tied him up in the woodshed."

"I will never spare this lowly maid." Princess Zhaowu's eyes were ruthless, "I must kill her with my own hands."

"Princess, don't worry, that lowly servant girl will never escape." Wang Momo patted the princess, "Now, take care of your body, and you will have another one if you take care of it. If you don't take care of your body, you won't be able to give birth Children, then Zhao Xue will have a chance, the son-in-law wants children so much, why can't he take them back?"

Princess Zhaowu wiped away her tears, "I know, I will definitely take care of my body. I will definitely not let Zhao Xue succeed. I still have to give her the tonic every day."

"Yes, princess." Nanny Wang nodded, "Princess, you must get better."

(End of this chapter)

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