Chapter 221 Citation [4]

Citation 【4】

There was heavy snow in the sky, and Zhao Xue and Chun'er walked on the road with difficulty.

Zhao Xue was pregnant with her child, and her body became weaker and weaker.It is all relying on Chun'er to walk with difficulty.

Finally, Zhao Xue couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground.

Chun'er was at a loss and didn't know what to do. He accidentally caught a glimpse of a bright light in front of him and the chimney was still smoking, so he carried Zhao Xue forward step by step.

Chun'er carefully placed Zhao Xue at the door and knocked on the farmer's door.

It was an old woman who opened the door. Looking at the two distressed girls in front of her, one of them was still lying on the ground, she hurriedly let them in.

The old woman put Zhao Xue on the bed, brought a bowl of hot soup, and asked Chun'er to feed Zhao Xue.

After Zhao Xue drank a bowl of soup, her face became rosy, Zhao Xue sat up slowly, "Chun'er, we, where are we?"

Chun'er said, "Miss, you fainted, thanks to a kind aunt who took us in."

Zhao Xue followed Chun'er's eyes and looked at a kind old lady, "Thank you, aunt. I don't know your surname, so I can repay you in the future."

"It's okay, they all call me Aunt Hua. By the way, I'm drinking a bowl of broth to warm my body." As she spoke, Aunt Hua scooped up another bowl of broth and handed it to Chun'er, who asked Chun'er to feed Zhao Xue.

Chun'er gratefully thanked Aunt Hua.

Aunt Hua asked, "Why, you fell in front of my house?"

Chun'er and Zhao Xue looked at each other in embarrassment.

Aunt Hua looked at them in a dilemma, "If, if you don't want to talk about it, that's fine."

Zhao Xue looked at Chun'er and nodded, and Chun'er said slowly, "Ms. Hua, in fact, we are looking for my uncle."

Aunt Hua nodded, "Oh, did you find it?"

Chun'er shook her head, "We originally wanted to go to the capital to find my aunt, but we seem to have gone the wrong way."

Aunt Hua sighed, "Did your uncle go to Beijing to catch the exam?"

Zhao Xue nodded, "Yes."

"Then why didn't you wait for him to come back?" Aunt Hua asked.

Zhao Xue's face became more and more embarrassed, and Chun'er also pursed her lips.

Aunt Hua said, "Could it be possible? Could it be that you are pregnant?"

Chun'er nodded in embarrassment, "Yes."

Aunt Hua shook her head and sighed, "Oh, you are so confused."

Zhao Xue looked a little embarrassed, as if a secret had been exposed in front of everyone, "Ms. Hua, we will leave tomorrow, and we won't embarrass you."

Aunt Hua said, "You've become like this, how can you go on, take good care of yourself here."


"I think back then, I was the same as you. It's a pity that I ended up like this. Can I not feel sad when I see you?" Aunt Hua gently patted Zhao Xue's hand, "You, take good care of your body now, so that you can be happy." It's a big deal."

Zhao Xue's tears were like pearls with a broken string, they kept coming, "Thank you, thank you, Mrs. Hua."

"Silly boy, take good care of yourself."

Chunri stayed with Zhao Xue at Aunt Hua's house for a while, and Aunt Hua would stew some nutritious food for Zhao Xue's body every day. Zhao Xue's body also improved a lot. With each day getting more rosy, Chun'er also felt a lot more at ease, and was even more grateful to Mrs. Hua.

Aunt Hua just came back from the market, "Miss Zhao, Chun'er, I've asked you guys. The imperial examination results are about to be released recently. I'll go to inquire after the results are released."

Zhao Xue pulled Chun'er to kneel in front of Aunt Hua, who was taken aback by the actions of the two, and quickly tried to help him up, "Miss Zhao, Chun'er, what are you doing?"

Zhao Xue insisted on refusing to get up, and Chun'er naturally wouldn't get up either, "Ms. Hua, thank you for taking us in all the time. If it wasn't for you, I might have died in the heavy snow."

Aunt Hua said, "What's all this for? I also see that it's not easy for you."

"Ms. Hua, we can't repay your kindness."

"Hey, me, one is alone, suddenly there are two more people around me, and I feel a lot warmer."

Seeing that Aunt Hua was alone all the time, Zhao Xue said, "Aunt Hua, if you don't mind, you can accept me as your daughter."

Aunt Hua was a little excited when she heard these words. She also had a daughter before, but she died young. If she was still alive, she would be as old as Zhao Xue. Unfortunately, his daughter is already dead. When she saw those two girls, she felt a certain feeling in her heart. There was a feeling of déjà vu, and she wanted to keep them. Now that Zhao Xue was willing to recognize her as a godmother, she was very happy, and hurriedly helped Zhao Xue up, "I, of course I am willing. I am too happy to be happy."

"Godmother." Zhao Xue called out.

Aunt Hua hugged him tightly, "Hey, girl."

Chun'er also wept with joy when she saw this scene, she was extremely happy, since the young lady had no mother, now, the young lady has another person who loves him dearly.

In a blink of an eye, Zhao Xue was four months pregnant, and Aunt Hua also frequently went to the market to inquire about news, wanting to know some news about Chen Yuan.

On that day, Aunt Hua came back happily, "My lord, my aunt got hit."

When Chun'er heard the news, she immediately asked, "You mean my uncle has won?"

Aunt Hua nodded, "Yes, that's right." Aunt Hua's face suddenly became a little embarrassed, "However, I heard that my uncle married someone else."

"Married someone else?" Chun'er asked in confusion.

Aunt Hua sighed, "I heard that the Holy Majesty betrothed the princess to my son-in-law."

"Did the uncle agree?"

Aunt Hua was even more embarrassed, "Well, choose a day to marry the princess to... Uncle Chen Yuan."

Chun'er sat on the chair in a daze, "Ms. Hua, please don't tell Miss, otherwise Miss will cry to death, you must not tell him."

Aunt Hua nodded, "Naturally."

As soon as Zhao Xue saw Mrs. Hua, she couldn't wait to sit up from the bed, "Ms. Hua, how is it?"

Aunt Hua patted Zhao Xue reassuringly, and said with a smile, "Young master has won."

"Really? Great, let's go, go to the capital to find him." Zhao Xue was very excited when she heard what Aunt Hua said. She had been looking forward to it for so long, and finally, she had something to look forward to.

Aunt Hua said, "He is not in the capital, it is said that he has gone to Qingzhou."

"Then, let's go to Qingzhou to find him." Zhao Xue was full of hope, and she felt that her life had a glimmer of light.

Chun'er and Aunt Hua looked at each other, Chun'er nodded, and then Aunt Hua said to Zhao Xue, "Okay, we'll go there in a few days."

Zhao Xue was even happier, and rubbed her stomach, "Son, you should be able to see Daddy now."

Zhao Xue wanted to see Chen Yuan as soon as possible, so several people left soon.

Aunt Hua rented a carriage, which would make Zhao Xue more comfortable.

The carriage was walking steadily on the road. It seemed that everything was peaceful, but behind the tranquility, there were always twists and turns.


(End of this chapter)

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