Chapter 242 Gap 13
Lin Fu knew that Jin Yuan was referring to her in the emperor's mouth, so he hurriedly smiled respectfully: "Miss Jin Yuan will of course feel sorry for the emperor!"

"Will she..."

Zhuo Yanchong withdrew his sharp gaze, lowered his head and sneered, and muttered to himself: "It would be great if she only pretended to be me in her heart!"

Lin Fu didn't hear his words clearly, and still said with a sneer: "Not only Miss Jin Yuan, but also Concubine Chen and Concubine Luo, they all feel sorry for the emperor..."

"Concubine Chen, Concubine Luo..."

Zhuo Yanchong let out a low sigh, with a look of sadness in his brows.

Which woman in the harem does not count on his favor?

Why is Xiao Yuan Baoer... different from them?


Lin Fu was still calling Zhuo Yanchong in a low voice.

He was silent for a while, then stood up abruptly, and said lightly: "It's almost morning, I want to take a shower and change clothes!"

"Your Majesty, don't you take a nap?"

Lin Fu looked at him in surprise.

"No need, you can't delay the morning..."

Zhuo Yanchong waved his hands, his expression has recovered his clarity.

The appearance of the frustrated emperor just now seemed to be just Lin Fu's hallucination.

And he has never seen the emperor drink to soothe his sorrows, to the point of staying up all night!
It's a pity... Miss Jin Yuan couldn't see it!

If she saw it, she would feel sorry for the emperor too!
I am the dividing line——

Early in the morning, a scream erupted in Jin Yuan's room, scaring the palace maids into rushing in without knowing what had happened.

"Miss Jin Yuan, what's wrong?"

Because Xiaoqiu was worried, she kept guarding the place closest to Jin Yuan, and she was the first to rush over.

Jin Yuan shook her head and looked at the wall absentmindedly. The place where the whisk was originally hung was now empty.

As for the whisk, it has disappeared.

How could this be?
She remembered that before leaving the palace yesterday, she took a special look at Fuchen.

After returning at night, Zhuo Yancong suddenly became angry for no reason, and after all those things happened, she didn't bother to check Fuchen at all...

(End of this chapter)

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