Chapter 243 Gap 14
When I got up together this morning, I realized that the whisk was gone!

When did the whisk disappear?

Jin Yuan rummaged around the house, but couldn't find Fuchen, and was so anxious that she broke into a sweat.

A group of palace maids stood by in a daze, seeing Jin Yuan looking so frantically, they thought she was being stimulated by something.

But Xiaoqiu saw some signs, and hurried to Jin Yuan's side and asked, "Miss Jin Yuan, what are you looking for? Why don't you let the slaves help you find..."

Jin Yuan stopped, frowned and asked: "Xiaoqiu, after we left the palace yesterday, has anyone entered my room?"


Xiao Qiu buried her head in thought for a while, then shook her head and replied: "No, except that the emperor came tonight..."

"Are you sure?"

Seeing Xiao Qiu nod her head, Jin Yuan was even more confused.

No one has ever entered her house, so why did the whisk disappear for no reason?
And the timing of this disappearance is too coincidental, it was picked when she and Huimao Luohen left together...

Could it be that someone stole the whisk on purpose?
But how can ordinary people steal a whisk?

Jin Yuan really couldn't figure it out...

Only Zhuo Yan rushed into her room, could it be...he took it?
Jin Yuan thought about it, and Zhuo Yanchong's frenzy flashing golden eyes occasionally appeared in her mind, and Mrs. Naqin's determined expression that she said he was a demon occasionally appeared in her mind.

Then recalling his inexplicable anger last night, Jin Yuan couldn't help but have a bold guess in her heart!

If Zhuo Bingshan is really a monster, so the dust whisk has an effect on him, causing him to go crazy?

"Miss Jin Yuan, did you miss something?"

Xiaoqiu's words made Jin Yuan recover from her contemplation.

She glanced lightly at the maids and eunuchs standing in the room, nodded and said, "Yes, a very valuable thing is missing..."

As soon as they heard that the valuables were missing, all the court ladies and eunuchs changed their expressions slightly, and even began to suspect each other.

Because stealing valuables from the harem is a capital offense!

"Miss Jin Yuan, could it be that the palace maids cleaned up the house and put away their things yesterday?"

After Xiaoqiu finished speaking, she winked at those people, and everyone started looking for the lost valuables for Jin Yuan.

PS: There will be an update in the evening, dear friends, remember to collect and vote~~ If you want to discuss the plot, you can add Ali's reader group 91236971, and the stepping stone is Ali. Everyone~
(End of this chapter)

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