Chapter 244 Gap 15
Jin Yuan waved her hand amusedly. She hasn't said what she lost yet, so how do they find it?
"Don't worry, I don't doubt you..."

Jin Yuan comforted them gently, paused, then frowned and muttered: "You said the emperor came here, maybe he took it..."


This time, everyone was shocked.

Miss Jin Yuan actually...doubted the emperor?
"Miss Jin Yuan... This is outrageous, but I can't say it..."

Xiao Qiu held Jin Yuan nervously, preventing her from continuing.

Jin Yuan raised her eyebrows indifferently, and asked, "Then do you know what I lost?"


The maids and eunuchs thought for a long time before shaking their heads dejectedly.

"Okay, you all get back..."

Jin Yuan didn't intend to embarrass these court ladies and eunuchs, until after everyone left, she stopped the court lady Xiaoqiu.

"Xiaoqiu, you tell them about the things I lost, and don't make a fuss for now, I'll find my own way!"


Xiaoqiu nodded, with undiminished concern in her eyes: "Miss Jin Yuan, what is missing, maybe this servant can help you find it!"

Jin Yuan shook her head with a smile, as early as when Xiao Qiu summoned the maids and eunuchs in her yard, she had already made up her mind.

The dust whisk is a gift from the Taishang Laojun, so it will definitely reveal the immortal energy and shine with golden light.

But she counted for a moment, and she couldn't calculate any fairy spirit around here!
That is to say, Fuchen is not in her courtyard, nor is she hidden by some curious court ladies and eunuchs!
"Miss Jin Yuan really doubts the emperor?"

Xiaoqiu asked worriedly.

Last night Miss Jin Yuan had a quarrel with the emperor. If there is something wrong, the emperor will be furious!

"Xiaoqiu, I know what you're worried about..."

Jin Yuan patted her on the shoulder and said seriously: "But this thing is very important to me, I must find it!"


Jin Yuan waved her hand, turned and left the yard.

As long as Fuchen is still in the palace, she should be able to feel...

Jin Yuan walked all the way, every time she met a few palace ladies and eunuchs passing by, they all looked at her and whispered.

(End of this chapter)

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