Chapter 245 Gap 16
It's just that she approached them, and they disappeared again.

But she could still hear what they were talking about from a distance, and the more she listened, the more puzzled she became.

She and Luohen... when did they have a private meeting in the palace?
She still deliberately seduced Luo Hen?

Afterwards, the words became more and more ugly, and Jin Yuan couldn't help but laugh.

They didn't know anything, and they didn't see anything, yet they were able to paint the picture of her and Luo Hen together in an incomparably charming way...

It's no less than a passion movie!
Jin Yuan didn't reprimand them, but used secret voice technique to convey what she wanted to say to the ears of those discussing palace people.

"The emperor is above, maliciously slander others behind the back, be careful when lightning strikes—"

Jin Yuan's secret voice really worked.

Those discussing palace people all stopped, looked at each other in horror, rubbed their ears and said, "Did you hear who was talking above your head just now?"

"Yes, I have……"

They looked up at the sunny sky, frowned in doubt, and finally fell silent in fear, and left in a hurry.

Jin Yuan shook her head and smiled.

All these palace people need is a warning!
However, where did the rumors that she and Luo Hen had a tryst come from?
How long has it been passed on?
Zhuo Bingshan said something inexplicable to her last night, could it be related to this rumor?

The more Jin Yuan thought about it, the more she felt that the probability was very high, she wished she could jump up and grab his collar and scold him!
Idiot... big idiot!

It's all for the palace people to talk about, but he also suspected her and Luo Hen? !
Isn't Luo Hen his most loyal subordinate?

Zhuo Bingshan didn't even think about it, could she and Luo Hen have a tryst?

If Zhuo Yanchong was standing in front of her right now, she would definitely scold him severely!
Although he didn't ask him to have sharp eyes, he still believed in this obviously impossible thing. Does it mean...he has always been suspicious of himself?
Thinking of this, Jin Yuan's smile collapsed, and she felt even more annoyed.

If she had known that he was suspicious of her, she would not have been eaten by him so easily!
If Zhuo Bingshan is a fool, wouldn't it be even more stupid to be eaten by a fool? !
(End of this chapter)

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