Chapter 307 Demons Have Ways 3
Jin Yuan dropped her shoulders in frustration.

It seems that she really has no ability to make nonsense!
Even the basics are not laid!
"Zhuo Bingshan, do you know that you always guess what I'm thinking, and I always thought you could read minds!"

And mind reading is better than her!

In fact, gods can more or less use mind reading, but this mind reading is only useful for weak-willed people...

If you encounter someone who is stubborn or restless, or someone who is thoughtful and deep, mind reading will not work at all!
What's more, in front of Zhuo Bingshan, she couldn't use fairy skills at all, so what mind reading skills could she talk about?

Zhuo Yanchong heard the words, with a slight smile on his lips, stroked her hair, and said softly: "I can always guess your thoughts, but it's because your heart is simple and pure..."

Even her eyes were so clear that he had never seen before...

Maybe it was just her smile, just her glance, which moved him.

Jin Yuan let out a long breath. Fortunately, she only said that she was innocent, not that she was stupid...

"And what I like is your simplicity..."

Zhuo Yan added with a light smile.

Jin Yuan's heart warmed up, and she raised her head and smiled warmly at him.

She really never thinks about too many complicated things, so keep it simple, okay?
Perhaps it was the hundreds of years of life in the heavenly realm that made her feel like water!
Otherwise, those ordinary days would be too difficult!
The two talked while walking.

I don't know how long it took, Zhuo Yanchong remembered the friend she mentioned, and couldn't help asking: "Little Yuan Baoer, where did you and your friend meet?"

"Appointment at..."

Jin Yuan paused, shrugged and replied, "Actually, we didn't make an appointment for a specific location!"

"No appointment?"

Zhuo Yan frowned, and looked at her with a dumbfounded smile.

Could it be that his little Yuan Baoer is confused?

Jin Yuan laughed sarcastically.

In fact, it was the first day of the junior high school who told her that he would come to find her at night, and he didn't say anything else.

But at night, the first day of the junior high school did not show up, and she was always a little worried.

As for why she was worried, she couldn't say clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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