Chapter 308 Demons Have Ways 4
The first day of junior high school is a little fox demon with quick reflexes, so nothing will happen, right?
"Then where are you going to find her?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and asked.

"I can feel her breath..."

Jin Yuan tilted her head at him with a smile, and said rather smugly, "Don't worry, I can smell her breath, she must be not far from us!"

Zhuo Yanchong could only nod his head, and held her shoulders tightly, for fear that she would catch a cold.

Jin Yuan searched for the breath of the first year of junior high school all the way, and felt more and more bad in her heart.

The breath of the first day of junior high school is not the same as usual, it seems a little weak and intermittent.

She couldn't help frowning worriedly, tugged at Zhuo Yanchong's hand, pointed not far away and said, "Zhuo Bingshan, I'm afraid it's there on the first day of the lunar new year..."

Zhuo Yanchong looked in the direction of Jin Yuan's finger, looked at the place where the candlelight was flickering, and couldn't help frowning.

Isn't that a temple?

Xiao Yuan Bao'er's friend, why are they there?

You must know that ordinary people are never allowed to enter the temple, only the national teacher has the privilege of entering and leaving freely!
And after the ceremony of offering sacrifices to heaven, because the temple does not need to arrange sacrifices, it is even more sealed on weekdays.

Most of the maids, eunuchs and guards also withdrew.

Except that the national teacher will occasionally go there to pray according to the usual practice!
"Little Yuan Baoer, why did your friend go to the temple?"

he asked quietly.

But Jin Yuan had no time to answer him, so she let go of his hand and ran towards the temple.

Seeing her suddenly tense expression, Zhuo Yan shuddered, and followed her with strides.

When the two arrived at the entrance of the temple, as expected by Zhuo Yanchong, the inside and outside of the temple were extremely quiet, and the quietness was a bit scary.

The door was closed tightly, and the silver ring at the door shone with an inexplicable cold light in the moonlight.

Zhuo Yanchong was about to pull away, but Jin Yuan waved his hand to stop him.

Then she made a push gesture towards the main hall's gate, the moonlight followed her fingers lightly into the crack of the gate, and with a click, the gate slowly opened.

Zhuo Yanchong watched this scene in amazement, never expecting that his little Yuan Bao'er could perform any kind of magic.

Jin Yuan was also overjoyed, it turned out that it wasn't that she couldn't use fairy arts in front of Zhuo Bingshan, but that she couldn't use fairy arts on him!
(End of this chapter)

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