Chapter 309 Demons Have Ways 5
As the gate of the temple opened automatically, a gust of wind rushed towards him.

Not only Jin Yuan noticed something strange in the temple, but even Zhuo Yanchong smelled something strange.

The top of the main hall is open, and the moonlight fills the entire main hall and illuminates every corner of the main hall.

Jin Yuan looked around, except for the pillars, the main hall was empty, and even the candles on the altar were blown out by the wind.

"Zhuo Bingshan, do you smell blood?"

Jin Yuan lowered her voice and asked.

She carefully felt the breath of the first day of the junior high school, and found that her breath was coming intermittently from a corner of the main hall.

Along with the breath of the first day of the new year, there was also a faint smell of blood.

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and nodded, looked around vigilantly, and grasped her little hand tightly.

No matter what strange things are in the temple, he will not allow anything to happen to Xiao Yuan Baoer!

A small movement came to their ears at the same time, and it was very clear in this overly silent temple.

Zhuo Yanchong suddenly shot a sharp light in his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "Who is it?"

But no one answered.

Jin Yuan's complexion changed slightly, she let go of Zhuo Yanchong's hand regardless of anything, and ran towards the direction where the voice came from.

That was the sound coming from the corner of the long corridor at the junction of the main hall and the side hall.

And Jin Yuan also clearly felt the breath of the first day of junior high school, getting closer.

"First day, first day, is that you?"

Jin-won eagerly walked in that direction.

There was no light at the corner, and the moonlight couldn't shine through, so it was terribly dark.

"Little Yuan Baoer..."

Zhuo Yanchong shouted anxiously behind her.

Jin Yuan stopped, turned to him and said, "Zhuo Bingshan, bring me a candlestick!"

Zhuo Yanchong's movements were considered quick, and he quickly took the candlestick on the altar and handed it to Jin Yuan.

With a flick of Jin Yuan's sleeve, the candle was lit up with a "boo--", illuminating their surroundings.

Sure enough, as she expected, the body of the first year of junior high school was curled up at the corner.

Her breathing was weak and she appeared to be unconscious.

Jin Yuan quickly squatted down and pushed her body, trying to wake her up.

(End of this chapter)

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