Chapter 310 Demons Have Ways 6
"On the first day of junior high school, I'm Jin Yuan..."

The eyes of the first day of junior high school were tightly closed, but they still felt a little bit of Jin Yuan's touch.

However, she just groaned, but did not wake up.

Under the bright candlelight, her delicate and pretty face looked a little bleak, and there was no blood on her lips.

It looks like he was seriously injured!
But... who would hurt the first day of junior high school in the palace?
Jin Yuan probed her nose and found that she was breathing shallowly, then cautiously lowered her head to look around her.

Then she saw blood stains on her chest, which completely matched the bloody smell she smelled.

"On the first day of the junior high school, who hurt you?"

Jin Yuan straightened her body worriedly, stretched out her hand and circled around her head, and a faint fairy air poured into her mouth and nose.


Chuyi let out a low cry, and finally slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that it was Jin Yuan at a glance, her slack pupils began to focus a little.

"Miss Jin Yuan..."

On the first day of the lunar new year, he tried his best to smile at her, but his whole body was exhausted, and there was a severe pain in his chest, which made her unable to speak out.

"it's me……"

While supporting her, Jin Yuan asked with concern: "Who hurt you?"

"Yes Yes……"

The mind in the first day of junior high school began to slack again, but there was always a faint smile on his lips, and he looked particularly bleak at the moment.

"Miss Jinyuan...I'm going to be beaten back to my original shape...I'm afraid I can't help you..."

The first day of junior high school said these words intermittently.

Before Jin Yuan could reply, her figure changed suddenly, first two ears grew on her head, and then her whole body quickly transformed into a silver-white fox, and she fainted in front of Jin Yuan and Zhuo Yanchong.

Zhuo Yanchong watched this scene in amazement, until Jin Yuan picked up the silver-white fox, then frowned and asked, "This... is your friend?"

Jin Yuan nodded with a mournful face, hugged Chuyi who had turned into a fox into her arms tightly, and replied in a low mood, "Yes, it's called Chuyi, and it's a little fox demon..."

Zhuo Yanchong nodded.

No wonder Xiao Yuan Baoer didn't let him see...

It turns out that the so-called friend in her mouth is a fox demon!

PS: there will be an update at night~~
(End of this chapter)

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