The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 314 Demons Have Ways 10

Chapter 314 Demons Have Ways 10
It wasn't until Zhuo Yanchong nodded that the imperial doctor came in respectfully.

At first he thought it was Miss Jin Yuan and something happened, but he didn't expect that what the emperor wanted him to see was not Miss Jin Yuan, but
He treats people, how could he see these beasts?

"Your Majesty, this..."

The imperial doctor looked at the silver fox in embarrassment, and pleaded guilty to Zhuo Yanchong: "I'm not a veterinarian, so I don't know much about it..."

"Just look at its trauma!"

Zhuo Yanchong said calmly.

The imperial doctor couldn't, so he had to go forward to check.

Seeing that the silver fox's chest was stained red with blood, he couldn't help being startled, and stretched out his hand to detect the silver fox's breath.

Sure enough, the breathing is meager.

"Doctor, how do you see her trauma?"

Jin Yuan asked worriedly.

The imperial doctor looked at it for a while, then lowered his head and muttered: "Miss Jinyuan, this silver fox's body has been hit hard, causing blood stasis... Besides the wound needs to be bandaged, I'm afraid it will take a long time to recuperate!"

"You can prescribe whatever medicine you need..."

Zhuo Yanchong saw the imperial doctor's hesitation, and said in a deep voice.


The imperial doctor replied respectfully, but was surprised and curious in his heart.

This silver fox seems to be brought by Miss Jin Yuan, the emperor is willing to use good herbs to treat a silver fox, probably because of Aiwujiwu!

The wound on the first day of junior high school was bandaged, and she just stayed by Jin Yuan's side.

As for the matter of preparing for the confinement, because of this change, it was put on hold for the time being.

Because not only Jin Yuan wanted to find out who harmed Chu Yi, but Zhuo Yanchong also had doubts in his heart!

If there is really someone with ulterior motives in the palace, he must find out...

He will never allow it, there is a trace of danger in the palace! ——
I am the dividing line——
There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and the story of Jin Yuan carrying a silver fox still reached Concubine Chen's ears.

Hearing that the emperor ordered the imperial doctor to prescribe the best medicine, just to cure a fox, Concubine Chen sneered disdainfully.

She never thought that Jin Yuan has such a great ability to make the emperor fall in love with his house!

(End of this chapter)

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