Chapter 315 Calculations 1
"Your Majesty, you said that Jin Yuan suddenly brought a fox into the palace, isn't that a bit weird?"

Xiao Cui said cautiously.

Ever since she asked for a talisman to curse Jin Yuan last time, not only did she not have any accidents, but the empress seemed to be bewitched instead, so she felt a little fear of Jin Yuan.

Although the national teacher didn't say it clearly, it was also revealed between the lines that Jin Yuan seemed to possess strange powers.

Otherwise, how could she wake up peacefully after clearly dying?

"Hmph, according to this palace, that woman herself is a vixen!"

Concubine Chen sneered and put down the golden hairpin in her hand.

"It's not enough to confuse the emperor, I even brought a fox to the palace!"

"Obviously pets are not allowed in the harem, but the emperor really dotes on Miss Jin Yuan to the extreme..."

Xiaocui sighed in a low voice, and couldn't help feeling a little envious in her words.

Concubine Chen saw the envy in her words, and gave Xiao Cui a hard look: "You useless thing, you want to serve that woman?"

Xiao Cui hurriedly lowered her head and bowed her body, and replied, "I don't dare... This servant has served your mother for so long, why would you want to serve other women?"

Concubine Chen's complexion improved slightly, and she said lightly: "I heard that the matter of the emperor's appointment as empress has been postponed?"

"That's right, empress, the servant girl has inquired about the news that the emperor wants to postpone his appointment..."

Speaking of this, Xiaocui had a smile on her face, and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, we still have a chance!"


Concubine Chen nodded, stood up, and quietly said: "Speaking of which, Jin Yuan has been awake for quite some time, and I haven't visited her yet!"

"Is your empress going to visit Miss Jin Yuan?"

Xiaocui hurriedly supported Concubine Chen, and asked cautiously.

Concubine Chen nodded slightly, with an incomprehensible smile in her eyes: "I always want to be friendly to her..."

"But empress, Jin Yuan doesn't seem to want to see empress very much. If empress goes, what should she do if she doesn't look good?"

Xiao Cui asked worriedly.

After all, the empress is a noble concubine, how can she be enraged by a woman who has not yet been conferred the title of empress?
"It's a joke, I'm still afraid that she won't look good?"

Concubine Chen sneered, stretched out her well-maintained green fingers, and tapped Xiaocui's forehead hard.

(End of this chapter)

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