Chapter 316 Calculations 2
"I'm going to visit her this time, firstly, for the concubines in the harem to move around more, secondly... to tell her a fact!"

Xiaocui was startled suddenly, her eyes lit up: "Is your empress planning to warn her?"

Concubine Chen smiled faintly and was silent for a moment, her gaze fell on her lower abdomen.

"This time, I must put on a play in front of her and the emperor!"

Hmph, Jin Yuan wants to compete with her, so let's wait for the next life! ——
I am the dividing line, please remember to vote and leave a message——
After several days of recuperating, the little fox demon's wound on the first day of junior high school finally recovered gradually.

Occasionally, he would open his eyes, look at Jin Yuan, and call out in a low voice.

It's a pity that her Yuan Dan is incomplete, and she can never recover her human body, nor can she speak human words.

Jin Yuan touched her soft fur, smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, I will find a way to make you fully recover on the first day of the junior high school!"

Chu kept looking at her, even though there were thousands of words in his heart, he couldn't say them out, he just nodded gratefully.

"Go, I'll take you to bask in the sun..."

Jin Yuan was about to leave with her warm first day in her arms when a young eunuch rushed to report.

"Miss Jin Yuan, Concubine Chen is here to visit you!"

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, she was not a patient, what did Concubine Chen come to visit her for?
"Just tell her I'm not here!"

Jin Yuan was really too lazy to deal with this scheming Concubine Chen, so she waved her hands lightly.

"But Concubine Chen is a noble concubine after all, and when Miss Jin Yuan becomes a queen in the future, she will have to spend a lot of time with these concubines..."

The little eunuch tried to persuade him, with a troubled expression on his face.

One is the queen and the other is the noble concubine, he can't offend either!

He wanted to continue talking, almost analyzing these harem scriptures with Jin Yuan.

Jin Yuan felt a headache when she heard it, so she nodded and said, "Then let her in!"

With Xiao Cui's support, Concubine Chen entered the bedroom, and she saw Jin Yuan sitting on the soft couch with a silver fox in her arms, and a strange look flashed in her eyes.

"Sister Jinyuan, I heard that you have been awake for several days. I originally planned to visit you earlier, but my body is not very refreshed. Don't be surprised if you come late!"

PS: Today's update is complete, dear friends, don't overlord, remember to leave a lot of comments~~
(End of this chapter)

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