Chapter 322 Calculations 8
Just like those court ladies said when discussing Luo Fei who moved out of the cold palace...

Luo Fei was also very honored at that time!

Then he fell out of favor and was sent to the sidelines, and it only took a few months!
No wonder when Luo Fei was practicing the piano with her, when talking about the past, she just sighed softly that the king's heart is unpredictable!
Not only Luo Fei couldn't see Zhuo Bingshan's heart clearly, even she, the god of wealth, couldn't see clearly...

Chu Yi moved in Jin Yuan's arms, as if he wanted to say something to her.

She didn't recover her spiritual power, so she could only lick her palm to comfort her.

"On the first day of junior high school, it seems that talking about love is very hurtful..."

Jin Yuan touched the head of the first day of junior high school, sighed and said: "You must be cautious in the future!"

Chu nodded, suddenly remembered something, and wrote a few words in the palm of Jin Yuan's palm.

It wasn't until I wrote it several times on the first day of the new year that Jin Yuan understood, and asked suspiciously: "On the first day of the new year, do you want to tell me that you want to go back to Luoyunfang and find your master?"

Chu nodded.

She cannot return to her human body, she is no different from an ordinary fox...

But master can definitely help her recover!

"But... how do you find it like this?"

Jin Yuan shook her head worriedly. Seeing her eyes filled with anticipation, she lowered her head and thought for a moment, then patted her paw and suggested, "Why don't I take you to Luoyunfang to find your master?"

Before the answer was given on the first day of the lunar new year, Xiao Qiu hurried into the room: "Miss Jin Yuan, the emperor has sent someone to urge you to have dinner with the emperor!"

Without even thinking about it, Jin Yuan shook her head and refused, "No!"

"Miss Jin Yuan, you must not be angry with the emperor right now..."

Xiaoqiu hurriedly walked to Jin Yuan's side, and persuaded her in a good voice: "Miss Jin Yuan, think about it, if you don't go, the emperor will be annoyed, won't you fall into Chen Fei's scheme of divorce?"

Jin Yuan was taken aback.

What Xiao Qiu said was actually correct, Concubine Chen fainted suddenly in her palace today to visit her tomorrow!
Later, the imperial doctor was invited and said that she was pregnant with a dragon seed, maybe she was acting!
If it is impossible to fake the fact that she is pregnant with a dragon seed, Concubine Chen just deliberately angered her and asked her to quarrel with Zhuo Bingshan...

PS: First put the six chapters up, I’m so sleepy, Ali can’t stand it anymore, continue to update in the afternoon and evening~~
(End of this chapter)

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