Chapter 323 Calculations 9
Regardless of Zhuo Bingshan's reaction to the sudden arrival of the heir, if she argues with Zhuo Bingshan, she will surely come to the truth, saying that she can't tolerate other concubines, etc...

Hmph, Concubine Chen's calculation is really accurate!

Although she is sad, although she is disappointed...

But if Concubine Chen wanted to take this opportunity to plot against her, it would be a big mistake!
With her little tricks, she even counted on the head of the God of Wealth, and she is not afraid of bad luck in the future!
It seems that the lesson taught to her last time was not enough!
Jin Yuan sneered, stood up holding Chu Yi in her arms, and said, "Just go!"

Concubine Chen wanted to see her sad and lonely, but she was not born sad and lonely to show her!
Xiaoqiu breathed a sigh of relief, and at the end, he did not forget to remind Jin Yuan: "Miss Jin Yuan, please don't take the initiative to bring up the matter of Concubine Chen..."

Jin Yuan waved her hand and walked all the way to Zhuo Yanchong's bedroom.

Zhuo Yanchong didn't seem to have any strange emotions, and said with a light smile: "Little Yuan Bao'er, today I specially ordered two jugs of wine in the kitchen..."

The voice is still so gentle...

So gentle that it broke her heart.

The original majestic and high-spirited momentum collapsed the moment he heard his voice!

She wanted to pretend she didn't care...

But how could she not care?

"Little Yuan Baoer?"

Zhuo Yanchong noticed that Jin Yuan was not the same as usual, his face was not gloomy, and he stretched out his big palm to cover her forehead, but she subconsciously avoided it.

She was able to avoid his big palm, but she didn't know if she could avoid his tenderness...

Zhuo Yanchong's hands froze in mid-air.

He looked at her quietly for a long while, and various complex expressions flashed in his eyes.

In the end, he still didn't get angry, and calmly waved to Jin Yuan and said, "Little Yuan Baoer, sit down!"

Jin Yuan sat down silently with her arms in her arms.

No matter what Zhuo Yanchong said, she remained silent, unwilling to eat.

Even when Zhuo Yan poured a glass of wine and handed it to her, she just shook her head.

"Little Yuan Baoer, this is your favorite sweet-scented osmanthus wine..."

Jin Yuan stared blankly at the sweet-scented osmanthus wine that was still exuding a tangy aroma. After an unknown amount of time, she suddenly shook her head and smiled wryly.

"Although I like good wine, every time I drink, I always make mistakes..."

(End of this chapter)

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