Chapter 324 Calculations 10
For example, when she was drunk in the heaven, she was kicked down to earth by Grandpa God of Wealth for dereliction of duty.

For example, she was drunk in front of Zhuo Bingshan, so that she had sex after drinking...

Without these drunks, maybe everything would be different!
Hearing this, Zhuo Yanchong frowned, put down the wine glass in his hand, and looked directly into the depths of Jin Yuan's eyes: "Little Yuan Baoer, do you have something to say to me?"

Hearing what he said, a bit of bitterness slowly rose from her heart.

She didn't avoid his gaze, but asked indifferently, "What about you? Do you have something to say to me?"

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her deeply, his expression changed in various ways, and finally the corners of his lips curled slightly, and he said in a low voice: "Little Yuan Baoer, didn't you say to ask for a red thread? When are you going to ask for it?"

Jin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, never expecting that he would avoid Concubine Chen's pregnancy, but brought up the matter of asking for a red line.

Then he shook his head and smiled self-deprecatingly, with a calm and indifferent voice: "Zhuo Yanchong, I don't think it's necessary!"

Zhuo Yanchong's eyes suddenly sank, this was the second time he heard her call him by his name directly!

The last time... was when he ripped off her clothes in a rage, she blurted out in embarrassment!

But this time, her performance was so cold!

It was as cold and distant as if he and she were just strangers!

He doesn't like this feeling very much!
"Why isn't it necessary?"

He suppressed the anger in his chest and asked in a deep voice.

Jin Yuan raised her head and looked straight into his eyes, as if trying to see through his heart.

But she couldn't see clearly before, and in the future... she still can't see clearly!
Forget it, he didn't want to bring up the fact that Concubine Chen was pregnant, so she helped him!

"Zhuo Yanchong, no matter what you plan in your heart, or what you think of me, I just want to say that since Concubine Chen is pregnant with your dragon seed, your destined person will not be me... yes , you are the emperor, there is nothing wrong with having the 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Courtyard, I thought I would not care, but I found that I can't..."

When Jin Yuan said this, she held back her tears, and her voice trembled slightly: "I can't are enjoying family happiness with other women...Maybe one day, I will become jealous because of jealousy. Myself... so in order to avoid this day, Zhuo Yanchong, you let go, and I will let go too!"

(End of this chapter)

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