Chapter 330 Calculations 16
Zhuo Yanchong gave orders, remembering his little Yuan Bao'er's sad expression when he mentioned this matter, a gentle smile occasionally flashed in his sharp eyes.

A gust of wind blew in through the window lattice, Lin Fu couldn't help shivering, and retreated respectfully.

Although the dragon species is also important, the emperor's order cannot be violated...

It seems that the emperor wants to protect that Jinyuan girl wholeheartedly.

I hope Miss Jinyuan can also give birth to an heir for the emperor as soon as possible!
As for that concubine Chen... I can only blame her for making thousands of calculations, and I can't blame the emperor for wanting to do so cruelly!
As for Concubine Chen's bedroom, because the master was happy, it was filled with joy.

Everyone said that Concubine Chen would definitely be the queen of the queen.

Concubine Chen waved her hand instead, and smiled faintly: "All of this depends on the Emperor's will..."

Her mother made the decision based on the fact that children are expensive, but that Jin Yuan...wouldn't necessarily fall out of favor!

But it doesn't matter, under the opposition of the courtiers, the emperor will definitely not rush to make Jin Yuan the queen!

When the time comes, let a few ministers speak for her, then the queen's throne will definitely be hers!
"Niang Niang, the emperor finally got the dragon seed, and he will be happy... You see, the imperial dining room also brought tonic soup, isn't it just the emperor's order?"

A court lady who was stalking her hurriedly came over and said flatteringly, with a happy expression on her face.

Concubine Chen was very pleased with what she heard, she waved her hand to let the court lady go down to receive the reward, and drank the bowl of tonic soup again.

After the other palace members in the inner palace retreated, Xiao Cui helped Concubine Chen to lie down beside her, and finally couldn't help but speak out the worries hidden in her heart.

"Your Majesty, do you think the Emperor will really be happy? You know, the Emperor favored all the Empresses in the past and wanted to drink Duanzi Tang..."

Concubine Chen's complexion changed, she slapped Xiaocui fiercely, and said coldly: "You worthless servant! How could I be pregnant with a dragon seed after drinking Duanzi soup?"

Xiao Cui touched her face that was red from the beating, and said aggrievedly: "This servant deserves to die... It's just that the empress didn't drink the Duanzi soup this time, and she didn't tell the emperor. If the emperor knows, I'm afraid... I'm afraid..."

Speaking of this, Xiaocui couldn't help but think of the fact that some concubines wanted to hide the dragon's species from the emperor!

(End of this chapter)

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