Chapter 331
That concubine's fate was extremely miserable, so miserable that she didn't have the courage to look back!

Concubine Chen's face also turned pale, and then she gathered herself together, snorting coldly and retorting: "Even if we find out, I'm not afraid! The emperor himself forgot to give me the Duanzi Tang, so what can I do? At that time, wait Bengong has a big belly, and with the support of courtiers, the emperor will not punish me under pressure! You know, this palace is pregnant with the emperor's first child!"

Xiao Cui nodded, still feeling a little inexplicably uneasy.

It's just that she didn't know where this inexplicable uneasiness came from, so she could only pretend to smile.

I hope that the empress can successfully give birth to the dragon species and ascend to the next position!

"Your Majesty, tomorrow the servants will go to the temple to pray for you..."

Concubine Chen nodded, stretched out her hand to caress her lower abdomen, and said with a faint smile: "This time... this palace...will definitely conceive a son, definitely will!"

The people in Concubine Chen's bedroom, immersed in joy, didn't notice at all...

A dark cloud is slowly covering their heads! ——
I am the dividing line——
Before the news that Concubine Chen was pregnant with a dragon seed had spread throughout the palace, Zhuo Yanchong announced in front of all civil and military officials his decision to make Jin Yuan his queen.

Everyone had known for a long time that the emperor had made a decision in his heart, and they did not dare to raise objections.

What's more, Jin Yuan's daily behavior style is well-known in the palace, and the balance in the hearts of some ministers has already tilted in Jin Yuan's direction.

However, some ministers who are not afraid of death raised objections.

"Your Majesty, the origin of this Jinyuan girl is unknown. If she is established as a queen like this, the common people will not accept it..."

"That's right, the emperor likes Miss Jinyuan, and puts him in the harem to dote on Miss Jinyuan, and the ministers dare not object... It's just a matter of becoming a queen, please think twice, Your Majesty!"

Zhuo Yanchong's eyes sank, and he looked at the two ministers who raised dissent with displeasure, and said coldly, "Is there someone better than Jin Yuan for your persuasion?"


The two ministers looked at each other, and when they heard the emperor's question, they couldn't help but hesitated again.

Standing at the front, Chao Li, the national teacher, lowered his head, and a sneer flashed across his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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