Chapter 335
It is difficult for anyone to find the specific place of Luoyunfang, unless it stops by itself!

If she has spells, she can even summon her master.

But now...

She is just an ordinary silver fox!

Neither can I get in touch with my master, nor can I take the initiative to go out of the palace to find...

But she is not reconciled...

Jin Yuan saw her frustration, and comforted her with a smile: "On the first day of the junior high school, since you are a fox demon, your master must be even stronger, maybe he will take the initiative to come out to find you..."

Before he finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the imperial garden.

Those flying butterflies seemed to be terrified, and they all disappeared.

Even the blooming flowers were dimmed a bit, shivering under the dark wind.

Jin Yuan waved her hand, and was about to scold what evildoer was responsible for, something quickly flew into Yinhu Chuyi's body, knocking her out of Jin Yuan's arms to the ground.

Jin Yuan hurriedly lowered her head to look.

I saw a muffled snort on the first day of the lunar new year, and the limbs touching the ground slowly changed and gradually elongated, and then the ears disappeared...

But after a while, the first day of junior high school returned to its original human body.

It's just that her face is slightly pale and her figure is weak.

"Meet the master on the first day of the new year..."

Just recovered from the confusion on the first day of the junior high school, he knelt down and cupped his fists not far away, and said respectfully.

Jin Yuan looked in the direction they met on the first day of the lunar new year, and saw a handsome and delicate man walking towards them facing the wind.

Only when the man approached did Jin Yuan fully see his appearance.

Looking at the strange light shining in his peach blossom eyes, I always feel a little familiar.

She seems to have seen this man before!
"Miss Jin Yuan, we meet again..."

He curled his lips into a smile towards Jin Yuan, and that smile actually gave birth to a charm that could charm all living beings.

Jin Yuan was almost immersed in his monstrous smile.

It took her a while to recover, and she asked inexplicably, "When did I see you?"

"Miss Jin Yuan is the God of Wealth, why is her memory so bad?"

The monstrous man chuckled at Jin Yuan, lifted Chu Yi who was still kneeling on the ground, and said quietly, "Chu Yi, you come and tell her!"

(End of this chapter)

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