Chapter 336
Chu nodded, managed to stabilize his figure, and said to Jin Yuan meticulously: "Miss Jin Yuan, he is my master and the owner of Luoyunfang... It was also the last time I brought Miss Jin Yuan and Mr. Luohen to our Luochen workshop. People from Yunfang!"

"It was you..."

Jin Yuan's eyes lit up, and she nodded suddenly.

She looked at the monstrous man in front of her again, and couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

"I didn't expect you to be the boss of Luoyunfang... It's really good, Luoyunfang is so well managed and unique, you must have made a lot of money!"

The enchanting man smiled slightly, and said noncommittally: "Miss Jin Yuan is the God of Wealth, she must look down on the gold and silver we earned!"

Jin Yuan shrugged, suddenly thought of something, and asked curiously: "But, don't you, the boss, always personally solicit customers for Luoyunfang?"

When the man heard the word "soliciting", his eyebrows twitched slightly, and the expression on his face changed slightly, but the evil smile on the corners of his lips remained unchanged.

"Of course not, I only pulled you, Miss Jin Yuan!"

"pull me?"

Jin Yuan became more curious, and asked suspiciously, "Why did you pull me?"

"Because you are the god of wealth—"

"So that's how it is..."

Jin Yuan nodded with a dark face.

The boss of Luoyunfang really has a discerning eye, and he actually saw that she was the God of Wealth...

And cleverly pulled the God of Wealth into the door!
The God of Wealth enters the door to ensure that the wealth will be rolling and the wealth will be prosperous...

He is really good at calculating!

No wonder there was an ingot of gold at that time...

She has never seen a Yaozu who values ​​money so much!
"You are a fox demon on the first day of junior high school, so you must be more powerful... Money is something outside of you. You are a demon clan, why do you value money so much?"

Jin Yuan inevitably felt confused.

He shook his head and smiled, his voice was low and pleasant: "Money is never too much, is it? What's more..."

He paused, and the arc of his lips gradually widened.

"If we all regard money as something outside of us, then there is no need to set up the God of Wealth in the heavens!"

Jin Yuan thought about it, and felt that what he said was actually very reasonable.

(End of this chapter)

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