Chapter 349
Xiaocui hurriedly followed Concubine Chen, sighing inwardly.

Empress, what happened?
Unexpectedly, she followed Concubine Chen to the door of the bedroom, but was stopped by several people.

"The emperor has ordered that Concubine Chen is not in good health, she should stay in the palace to recuperate, and she should not move around..."

The person who stopped her was a bodyguard who said with a blank expression: "Chen Concubine, please come back!"


Concubine Chen glared at him and scolded him, "What are you that dare to stop me?"

The guard didn't care about Concubine Chen's words, but calmly repeated what she said just now: "This is the emperor's order, please come back, empress!"

Concubine Chen was furious, turned her head to look at Xiao Cui, and asked incredulously, "Xiao Cui, why did the emperor issue this decree?"

"Slaves... Slaves don't know..."

Xiaocui lowered her head and replied in a flustered manner.

She really didn't know when the decree was issued.

It's just a vague premonition... something big will happen to the empress!

"Hmph, you slave, you must have falsely passed on the emperor's decree, thinking that you can frighten me by doing so?"

Concubine Chen raised her head, stretched out her green fingers, and pointed fiercely at the guard.

"I must go out today!"

The man cupped his hands helplessly, took out the saber beside him, and said flatly: "If Concubine Chen insists on resisting the order, then it can only be blamed for being humble and rude!"

Concubine Chen saw that he took out his sword without hesitation, as if he dared to attack her all the time.

She couldn't help being startled and angry, and before she could swear a few more words, she rolled her eyes and passed out.

"My lady, my lady..."

Xiao Cui was so frightened that she supported Concubine Chen.

Then he called a few maids to come over and helped Concubine Chen to lie down beside her.

When Concubine Chen got well, Xiao Cui hurriedly said to the guard at the door: "Brother, please, please go to the imperial doctor and tell me that our empress is fainted!"

This time, the guards did not hesitate, and quickly sent someone to the imperial doctor to see Concubine Chen.

I don't know how long it took before Concubine Chen woke up faintly, feeling some pain in her lower abdomen, struggling to get up, but Xiaocui held her down.

"My lady, what do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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