The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 350 Decree to the World 6

Chapter 350 Decree to the World 6
Concubine Chen shook her head, turned her eyes to the imperial doctor in front of her, and said in a hoarse voice, "Doctor, is my body okay?"

The imperial doctor took the pulse, looked at Concubine Chen hesitantly, and said hesitantly after a long time: "Your Majesty's body needs to be recuperated..."

Concubine Chen nodded, and asked subconsciously: "I fainted just now, is the dragon species in my stomach all right?"

The imperial doctor's face changed slightly, before he could answer, he knelt down to Concubine Chen, made a big salute, and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty, forgive me, I made a mistake in my pulse earlier...Actually, Your not pregnant with a dragon seed! "

"What did you say?"

Concubine Chen stared wide-eyed, tried her best to sit up, and said coldly: "Repeat what you just said!"

The imperial doctor kowtowed to Concubine Chen, sighed and said: "The minister neglected the pulse before, the empress is not pregnant with a dragon seed!"

"No... absolutely impossible..."

Concubine Chen shook her head in disbelief, her eyes were dull and lax, and she kept saying, "I can clearly feel movement in my abdomen, so how could it be a misdiagnosis? Royal doctor, you must have made a can diagnose again." Once again!"

The imperial doctor did not dare to stretch out his hand, and lowered his head without looking directly at Concubine Chen.

He just repeated what he said before, until Concubine Chen yelled "Enough!"
"My lady..."

Seeing that Concubine Chen's face was pale and terrifying, Xiaocui gave her a low voice in worry.

"You quack doctor, I don't believe it..."

Concubine Chen pushed the imperial doctor away, stumbled and ran to the door and shouted: "I want to see the emperor, I drag you quack doctor out and beheaded, and then another imperial doctor comes to diagnose the pulse... Your Majesty..."

The imperial doctor kowtowed heavily again, and said to Concubine Chen's back: "I will go and plead guilty to the emperor, please forgive me..."

Having said that, the imperial doctor stood up, took the medicine box and bid farewell to Concubine Chen's palace in a hurry.

And the crazy Concubine Chen almost fell to the ground when she was about to run to the door, but fortunately Xiaocui supported her.

"How could it be? How could this palace not be pregnant with a dragon species..."

Concubine Chen leaned on Xiaocui and kept shaking her head and screaming, tears streaming down her face.

"Your Majesty, do you want to open some..." Xiaocui's voice also had a hint of crying.

PS: Alas, dear friends, let’s take a look at it for the time being. Ah Li is looking for someone to repair the computer today. It’s a tragedy... woohoo, please touch... I will make it up when the computer is ready. I hope everyone will continue to support Ah. Glass ah ah ah! ! (Dear laziness, remember to vote every day)

(End of this chapter)

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