The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 362 Decree to the World 19

Chapter 362 Decree to the World 19
Concubine Chen's consciousness is not clear now, and Lin Fu has never appeared again, just looking for someone to tell Xiao Cui a word.

Concubine Chen violated the emperor's Ni Lin, even if she was executed, it would not be an exaggeration.

But the wedding is imminent, and the emperor doesn't want to see blood, so he casts her into limbo!
If Concubine Chen still does not repent, then there is only one word for her fate: death!
I am the dividing line——
The people in the palace who were busy with the conferring ceremony more or less heard about it.

It's just that the emperor ordered that everyone dare not discuss this matter, let alone mention it in front of Jin Yuan.

It's just that when talking about Zhuo Yanchong's concubines in the harem occasionally, she would always think of Concubine Chen who was provoking Jin Yuan on the first day of the junior high school, and it was inevitable that she would feel wronged for Jin Yuan.

"Miss Jin Yuan, have you really thought about it, what kind of queen do you want to be?"

Jin Yuan is trying to play the guqin used by the queens of all dynasties.

Hearing what the first day of the junior high school said, she stopped and smiled and asked, "First day of the first day of the junior high school, why do you suddenly ask like this?"

Chuyi shook her head, she didn't know the identity of Emperor Zhuo Yanchong.

But judging from the master's tone, it must be on par with the master...

But he has many women, so he doesn't look like a master. From the beginning to the end, there is no woman around him...

Seeing her hesitating, Jin Yuan seemed to have something to say to herself, and urged her with a smile: "You can say whatever you want, I can bear more than you think!"

"How does Miss Jin Yuan feel about Master?"

After thinking about it on the first day of junior high school, I decided to ask step by step.

"You said him..."

Jin Yuan held her chin and said thoughtfully: "Mingye feels very mysterious and evil, as if he doesn't care about anything, and looks very idle, but I know these are just his appearance..."

Because a really idle person, or a monster to be precise, would not flash such a cold and mocking smile once in a while.

She didn't know what kind of monster Ming Ye was, so she could only vaguely speculate that he might be extremely powerful...

However, it doesn't matter how powerful he is, as long as he doesn't harm the world!

"Master treats us very well..."

Chu nodded and sighed softly, with deep gratitude on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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