The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 363 Decree to the World 20

Chapter 363 Decree to the World 20
"If he hadn't saved me at that time, I would never have survived to this day, and I could still cultivate to the point where I am today! Everyone knows that every member in Luoyunfang has its own characteristics, but they don't know that we Luoyunfang Everyone in Yunfang was picked up by the master... The master sometimes looks playful, sometimes ruthless, but he has a clear distinction between good and evil, and never kills innocent people..."

It's like the master said that he is the best demon...

Their brothers and sisters in Luoyunfang really think so!
Jin Yuan had never heard of these people.

Now that it was mentioned on the first day of the junior high school, she couldn't help but nodded and sighed: "No wonder he said he is a good demon..."

If she hadn't met the first day of junior high school and Ming Ye, maybe her impression of Yaozu would still be at the beginning!

It's just that Tianjie's attitude towards the Yaozu has always been ambiguous, and they never wanted to wipe them out, but they didn't let them go.

In fact, think about it, this is not bad!

As long as there is no chaos, everyone is qualified to survive in the world!
"Little God of Wealth, if you regret it, I will always open my arms to you..."

Ming Ye suddenly appeared in front of Jin Yuan, opened his arms, and smiled playfully.

Jin Yuan waved her hands again and again, Ming Ye always spoke in such a wild way.

"Ming Ye, the first day of the junior high school said that you have never had a woman. How have you spent all these years?"

Jin-won looks at him suspiciously.

Ming Ye was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect her to speak so bluntly, then she leaned against the wall and laughed so hard that her body trembled.

After laughing enough, he straightened his expression and said seriously: "Because I have an emotional cleanliness..."

Jin Yuan's eyes widened.

Emotional cleanliness?

Is this what Ming Ye said?

Seeing Jin Yuan's surprised expression, Ming Ye shook her head with a smile, took Jin Yuan's hand and pressed it to her chest, and said faintly, "Did you hear any sound?"

Jin Yuan shook her head.

"Maybe I have joys, sorrows, sorrows, but unfortunately... the emotions and desires are actually very far away for me!"

Ming Ye said with a low sigh.

Jin Yuan was startled, and didn't believe what he said: "You saved them in the first day of junior high school, how could you have no emotions and desires at all..."

But he did not have a heartbeat!

It's the same as the state where I am cultivating the primordial spirit!
(End of this chapter)

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