The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 367 Empress Seal Ceremony 4

Chapter 367 Empress Seal Ceremony 4
This vision also startled the maids and eunuchs guarding the side, and they all screamed.

How could this be?
This... This pig's head was cut off a long time ago, why did it suddenly open its eyes and live?
Lin Fu, the eunuch in charge, was originally guarding outside the ancestral temple.

Hearing some inappropriate movement from the ancestral temple, he hurriedly shouted at the guards, and led many guards to rush into the ancestral temple.

"Your Majesty, what happened?"

Lin Fu rushed in first, and asked nervously.

His eyes fell on Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan, seeing that they were both fine, he almost breathed a sigh of relief.

However, looking around the ancestral temple, he didn't see any trace of the assassin!

Zhuo Yanchong had come to his senses, waved his hands and said calmly: "It's nothing, let's continue!"

Jin Yuan frowned slightly, staring at the pig's head that suddenly opened its eyes, trying to see something.

Dead pigs can't be resurrected suddenly, unless...

Before she could make a conclusion, a trace of inexplicable hostility floated into her nose.

This is the Royal Ancestral Temple, full of aura!
What is it that dares to invade so boldly?
Hearing the emperor's order to continue the ceremony, Lin Fu was stunned for a moment, and could only wave to the group of guards, telling them to leave the ancestral temple and guard the entrance of the ancestral temple.

In case something happens, it's best to rush in as soon as possible.

Then Lin Fu also retreated quietly.

"National Division?"

Zhuo Yanchong saw that the national teacher Chao Li had retreated a long way, and urged him in displeasure.

Chao Li's eyes were dazed, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock just now.

Seeing this, Jin Yuan whispered in Zhuo Yanchong's ear: "Zhuo Bingshan, this ancestral temple looks weird to me..."

Before Zhuo Yanchong could answer, the screams of the maids and eunuchs came again, each more terrifying than the last.

At this time, the ministers guarding outside also noticed that something was wrong.

Everyone has long been in disarray and crowded towards the ancestral temple.

The common people also stared wide-eyed, not knowing what happened, they just watched the commotion curiously.

"Look at..."

I don't know who shouted, everyone heard the reputation and looked, and suddenly opened their eyes wide in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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