The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 368 Empress Seal Ceremony 5

Chapter 368 Empress Seal Ceremony 5
The bright pearl on the top of the ancestral temple gradually lost its light in the sunlight.

And the color is getting darker.

"Quack quack..."

The miserable cry of the crow came one after another.

Everyone looked up and saw that the top of the ancestral temple was surrounded by a group of black crows at some point.

And there are more and more gestures.

The miserable cry of the black crow went straight to the sky, deafening.

The ministers couldn't help covering their ears, and everyone's face was full of uneasiness.

At this time, the ancestral temple was already in chaos.

First, a court lady noticed water dripping from the beam, and then reached out to touch it, but it turned out to be blood, and she turned pale with fright.

How could the well-behaved ancestral temple bleed?

"Tick, tick..."

More and more blood poured out from the beams, pillars, and altar out of thin air.

Drop by drop fell on the ground, converging into a bloody stream.

This bloody stream gurgles along the ground, spreading from the temple to the outside, and it looks particularly frightening when compared with the black crow on the top.


Lin Fu also saw this horrifying scene, and asked stammeringly.

Zhuo Yanchong's face was heavy, he looked at these visions without saying a word, turned his eyes to the sluggish national teacher, and asked in a deep voice: "National teacher, what explanation do you have?"

Guoshi Chao Li seemed to be immersed in his own world, turning a deaf ear to Zhuo Yanchong's question, his hands and feet trembling constantly.

Jin Yuan's heart was also shocked.

She smelled more and more bloody hostility...

What kind of monster is at work here?
At this moment, she could no longer care about the principle of not performing fairy arts in front of everyone, and her fingertips condensed into a light, pointing at those black crows.

Then the black crow wailed mournfully again and again, and quickly flew away.

Before she could figure out what was causing the trouble, she heard someone yell, "Witch—"

Jin Yuan thought they saw something.

She looked over subconsciously, and the gurgling bloody stream unexpectedly spread to her feet, gradually turning into two words, eye-catching and terrifying.

Those two words are clearly temptresses!

And the one who pointed at Jin Yuan and said "Witch" loudly was the national teacher Chao Li.

(End of this chapter)

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