The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 370 Empress Seal Ceremony 7

Chapter 370 Empress Seal Ceremony 7
In order to avoid confusion among the people, to solve this matter, we can only rely on our brains, not others!
Otherwise, if the gray hair pops out, it will be even more reasonable to say that Miss Jin Yuan is a temptress!
Chao Li sneered, and replied word by word: "The gods that appeared suddenly during the sacrifice to the heavens were also the sorcerer's sorcery to confuse everyone! And before that, she was safe and sound even though she had no pulse. Come alive, what is it if it’s not a temptress?”

The words of the national teacher made Luo Hen speechless.

He never realized that the national teacher's eloquence is so good!

Now, after he said this, everyone nodded in conviction.

After the national teacher finished speaking, he turned his head to Zhuo Yanchong and knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, please order to execute this temptress who has brought disaster to the country and the people!"

"Your Majesty, please order..."

The other ministers also knelt down and said to Zhuo Yanchong in unison.

Lin Fu on the side watched this scene in horror, constantly worrying about the emperor.

He never expected that the ceremony of conferring the Empress Dowager would turn out like this!
Miss Jin Yuan can't be a temptress...

She never did anything harmful!
Zhuo Yanchong's complexion was extremely bad, and he scanned the kneeling officials with a sharp light, and said in a cold voice: "In this world, is it my decision? Or the national teacher's decision?"

The ministers were taken aback, shocked by Zhuo Yanchong's aura, they didn't even dare to raise their heads, and replied tremblingly: "Of course it's the emperor—"

"very good……"

Zhuo Yanchong narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly to the national teacher Chao Li: "National teacher, you say that my queen is a temptress, you have to show evidence! Otherwise, what crime should you be guilty of maliciously slandering the queen?"

"I have evidence..."

Under normal circumstances, under Zhuo Yanchong's cold stare, the national teacher Chao Li would have been so frightened that his hands and feet went limp.

But now he is extremely calm, and he justly said that there is evidence.

Zhuo Yanchong couldn't help being startled, and even Jin Yuan was surprised.

She wants to see what the liar national teacher can come up with to prove that she, the God of Wealth, is a temptress!

Guoshi Chao Li unhurriedly took out the jasper flute in his arms and waved it around in front of everyone.

Jin Yuan's face changed slightly.

Hell, why is it this weird jade flute again?
(End of this chapter)

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