The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 371 Empress Seal Ceremony 8

Chapter 371 Empress Seal Ceremony 8
She was killed by Yu Xiao last time and her soul was separated from her body!
This time... what does the liar national teacher want to do with this jasper flute?
Chu Yi, who had been on the sidelines, also changed his expression when he saw the jade flute, his eyes turned red.

She looked at the national teacher with hatred, wishing she could rush over immediately.

Ming Ye stopped her and reminded her lightly: "You forgot about being beaten back to your original shape by this thing? If you rush over now, you will undoubtedly die!"

On the first day of the lunar new year, she bit her lip, clenched her fists and looked at the national teacher and Jin Yuan, and asked worriedly, "What about Miss Jin Yuan? That jade flute beat Jin Yuan's soul out of her body before..."

Miss Jin Yuan saved her, she must not sit idly by!

"Look at Zhuo Yanchong..."

Ming Ye's eyes drifted to Zhuo Yanchong who exuded a cold aura all over his body, he didn't seem to be worried about Jin Yuan, and said quietly: "If he can't even handle this well, he is not qualified to have the Little God of Wealth!"


Still hesitating on the first day.

Ming Ye patted her on the shoulder and smiled leisurely: "Don't worry, there is still a good show to come!"

He didn't believe it, the real master didn't show up...

Those illusions just now can fool a stupid mortal, but they cannot fool him...

When Zhuo Yanchong saw the jasper flute, his face became even colder.

He clearly remembered that Xiao Yuan Bao'er had mentioned this thing to him...

It was the jasper flute in the hands of the national teacher who caused her soul to leave her body!
Chao Li turned a blind eye to Zhuo Yanchong's gloomy expression, and said in a flat voice: "This jade flute is a gift from an expert, and it can make the temptress reveal her original shape..."

Jin Yuan didn't know what kind of tricks he was playing, so she had an idea and remembered the whisk that the Taishang Laojun gave her!

No matter how powerful Yuxiao is, she should be no match for Taishang Laojun's fly whisk!
She raised her head, saw Chu Yi hidden in mid-air, and winked at her, asking her to bring the whisk for her.

Chuyi understood, and hurried to fetch Fuchen for Jin Yuan.

When Luo Hen saw the jade flute, he said again: "The national teacher said that this jade flute was a gift from an expert, how can you prove that this jade flute is not a monster?"

Chao Li was stunned for a moment, but before he could respond, Zhuo Yanchong said again in a deep voice: "Master, you have studied Taoism for many years, why do you need to rely on foreign things?"

(End of this chapter)

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