The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 372 Empress Seal Ceremony 9

Chapter 372 Empress Seal Ceremony 9
What Luo Hen and Zhuo Yanchong said made sense, and the ministers and the onlookers nodded in agreement.

Since the national teacher is well versed in heaven, he must know Taoism!
"National teacher, don't worry about this jade flute, you can just use Taoism..."

Someone persuaded in a low voice.

Others nodded in agreement.

Chao Li's face froze, how could he know any Taoism?
Mrs. Qin told him before that as long as there is a jade flute in hand, all goals can be achieved?
How could he have expected that an accident would happen at this time!
Jin Yuan's hand was still being held by Zhuo Yanchong, she couldn't help but glance at him, and then looked at the national teacher with a funny face!

Hmph, if you want to say that she is a temptress, just wait to make a fool of yourself!
I am the dividing line——
At this moment, the atmosphere outside the ancestral temple has stagnated.

In the quiet palace, it was another situation.

Concubine Chen had slowly woken up from the huge blow, but she was still looking out the window dully.

From the time she was pregnant with the dragon species, to the time the dragon species disappeared, and was cast into the cold palace by the emperor, it took less than a month...

It turned out that she had never guessed the emperor's mind...

That's why he went further and further in the calculation step by step, and finally broke through the emperor's bottom line!
"My lady, drink some water..."

Seeing that Concubine Chen looked confused, Xiao Cui poured a glass of cold water for Concubine Chen worriedly.

If it was the past, when did the empress drink cold tea and cold water?

But now that the empress has been thrown into the cold palace, not to mention hot water is hard to get, even hot meals and dishes are extravagant dreams!

Concubine Chen took the teacup dumbly, and before she took a sip, a faint voice came from her ear.

"Have you ever hated?"

Concubine Chen was shocked, she put down her teacup and looked at Xiao Cui, but Xiao Cui was making the bed and didn't speak to her.

"You are a noble concubine, you could have given birth to dragon species, and one day you would be canonized as a queen, but that woman Jin Yuan snatched all these away... After she was canonized today, you stayed in the cold palace, don't you hate it? "

The voice drifted into her ears again, and the voice was bewitching.

Hate...why doesn't she hate?

If there is a chance, she must make Jin Yuan pay all the price!
(End of this chapter)

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