The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 373 Empress Seal Ceremony 10

Chapter 373 Empress Seal Ceremony 10
"I can give you a chance to take revenge on her..."

The voice seemed to guess what she was thinking, and said with a low smile.

"what should I do?"

Concubine Chen couldn't help but asked excitedly.

"Remember, she is a temptress, that's why she confused the emperor..."

The voice became lower and lower, but it kept bewitching her heart.

"Good boy, go out of the palace now, and identify her in front of can take revenge..."

The low, eerie voice gradually disappeared.

Then Concubine Chen felt something attached to her body.

Soon her eyes were blurred and her mind was empty.

All she knew was listening to the orders in her ears, subconsciously stood up and walked out of the cold palace.

Seeing her inappropriate expression, Xiaocui hurriedly pulled her back and urged her urgently: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, the Emperor has ordered you not to step out of here..."

Concubine Chen turned a deaf ear to her words.

Seeing her grabbing him, and slamming her away with a wave of his hand, the strength was especially great.

Xiaocui was thrown to the corner by her, clutching her chest and gasping for breath.

Seeing Concubine Chen walk out of the cold palace step by step, she was helpless.

Why does the empress look like she has been possessed by a demon?
Everyone outside the ancestral temple is still waiting for the national teacher to use Taoism to prove that Jin Yuan is a temptress.

Just when the national teacher, Chao Li, was in a cold sweat and didn't know how to deal with the sudden situation, a shrill female voice came to everyone's ears.

"The national teacher is right, Jin Yuan is a temptress, I can prove it!"

Everyone looked up, only to see Concubine Chen with disheveled hair and pale face, barefoot in front of them.

"Ms. Chen Fei, why are you here?"

The ministers looked at her in surprise.

It was impossible to tell that this woman with disheveled hair and disheveled appearance was actually the former concubine Chen, who was so well-mannered!

Zhuo Yanchong frowned, gave Concubine Chen a cold look, then turned to Lin Fu who was at the side, and asked displeasedly: "Isn't she locked up? Why did she appear here?"

Lin Fu couldn't figure out why this situation happened, and he was so nervous that he didn't know what to do. He just replied in a low voice: "The servant has indeed ordered the guards to guard the cold palace..."

(End of this chapter)

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