The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 374 Empress Seal Ceremony 11

Chapter 374 Empress Seal Ceremony 11
Ever since Concubine Chen announced that she was pregnant in front of Jin Yuan, Jin Yuan hadn't seen her either.

Seeing her miserable appearance now, I also understand a little bit in my heart.

Zhuo Bingshan once said that he would deal with Concubine Chen's matter...

Is that why Concubine Chen is so miserable?

Just now Lin Fu mentioned the "cold palace", when did Zhuo Bingshan put her in the cold palace?

She doesn't even know anything...

heard nothing...

Concubine Chen looked around at the crowd indifferently, and finally fixed her resentful eyes on Jin Yuan.

"You have used magic to confuse the emperor, killed the child in my womb, and even lured the emperor to throw me into limbo..."

Concubine Chen pointed at Jin Yuan and complained tearfully.

Her miserable appearance was in stark contrast to Jin Yuan in Fengguan Xiapei.

Some people began to believe what Concubine Chen said.

After all, Concubine Chen was originally a noble concubine, how could she become so miserable in such a short period of time?

"When did I hurt you?"

Jin Yuan stared wide-eyed and asked in puzzlement.

What killed the child in her womb?
She herself didn't know what was going on!
"Hmph, temptress, don't be hypocritical...everything has changed since you appeared. The emperor only listens to you. Did you just say that you didn't use black magic to confuse the emperor?"

Concubine Chen snorted coldly, turned around to face the ashen-faced Zhuo Yan and knelt down with a plop.

"Your Majesty, please get rid of this temptress! If you don't get rid of the temptress, it's too much for heaven..."

Her voice was haunted and miserable, and her bare feet were covered with frayed blisters.

Everyone also shook their heads sympathetically, unable to bear to look any further.

"Concubine Chen, you are talking nonsense..."

Zhuo Yanchong looked at her coldly, with no expression on his face.

"You said that Jin Yuan is a temptress, but I found a puppet in your palace that was full of needles and cursed Jin Yuan. How do you explain it?"

As soon as Zhuo Yanchong finished speaking, those who originally sympathized with Concubine Chen couldn't help staring wide-eyed.

Concubine Chen actually did this in private to curse others...

No matter who is cursing, this is too vicious!
"Your majesty, that's Jin Yuan's sorcery... I didn't do anything... It's her sorcery that confused you..."

(End of this chapter)

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