The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 376 Empress Seal Ceremony 13

Chapter 376 Empress Seal Ceremony 13
When Chao Li saw Concubine Chen being taken away, he cried out inwardly.

He was just about to find some excuse to sneak away when Sun Yan, the general who protects the country, rushed here with a group of troops.

"Report to the emperor, the general found a bunch of human skeletons in the State Teacher's Mansion. After the identification, they are all young and middle-aged, and the body shape is the same as the missing man in the city before!"


When everyone heard this, their eyes widened in horror.

Why are there so many dead people's bones in the National Teacher's Mansion?
It was not only the officials who were surprised, but also the people who were watching.

In the hearts of the people, the national teacher is like a god, how could he be involved with the bones of the dead?

"National teacher, have you thought about explaining this?"

Zhuo Yanchong stared straight at the national teacher Chao Li with his cold and sharp eyes.

Seeing that the momentum was wrong, Chao Li turned around and slipped away.

"Come here, seize the national teacher and put him in prison—"

Before Chao Li could escape, the guards rushed forward and caught him.

The national teacher had no way to break free, so he could only take out the jade flute, put it to his lips and blow it.

Notes are blown out of the holes, like magic sounds piercing the ears.

Everyone who heard the sound of the flute began to change their faces, and covered their chests, the pain was unbearable, and cold sweat flowed out.

The people and the ministers began to fall to the ground in pain, and the sound of wailing came one after another.

Luo Hen and Changsun Yan possessed internal strength, and their concentration was the strongest. They managed not to fall down, but there were beads of sweat rolling down their faces.

The only ones who were not affected were Jin Yuan and Zhuo Yanchong.

Jin Yuan looked worriedly at the people shocked by Yuxiao, and asked Zhuo Yanchong in a low voice: "Are you okay?"

Zhuo Yanchong nodded, his eyes locked on the jade flute in the master's hand, and he frowned and asked, "What the hell is that jade flute?"

"I suspect that those resentful spirits are kept in the jade flute..."

Jin Yuan said hesitantly.

After finishing speaking, he let go of Zhuo Yanchong's hand, raised his head and shouted at Chuyi.

The whisk quickly flew from Chuyi to Jin Yuan's hands.

Jin Yuan turned her head and gave Zhuo Yan a calm smile, picked up the whisk and flew into the air.

He murmured the mantra of purifying the heart, and then the whisk swept over everyone, and the golden light brushed his face.

(End of this chapter)

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