The Queen of Fortune, please enter the palace

Chapter 377 Empress Seal Ceremony 14

Chapter 377 Empress Seal Ceremony 14
Accompanied by the nice heart-clearing mantra, the fly whisk emitted a bright golden light, covering the heads of everyone.

Those confusing grievances were quickly dispelled.

At the moment when everyone gradually recovered, Jin Yuan snatched Yuxiao from the national teacher Chao Li.

The national teacher was also shocked by the situation just now, he didn't even realize that Jin Yuan took Yuxiao away, his expression was dull.

Jin Yuan withdrew her fly whisk and slammed the jade flute to the ground.

Such a ghost thing, it would be better to smash it up sooner!

"My jade flute..."

Shocked by Jin Yuan's movement, Chao Li quickly came to his senses, threw himself on the jade flute and howled.

As for the jade flute that was originally smashed by Jin Yuan, a puff of smoke quickly floated out and penetrated into Chao Li's body at the moment the national teacher Chao Li rushed over.

Jin Yuan was startled, feeling bad...

She had seen that kind of situation once before in the National Teacher's Mansion!
If it is said that there are really resentful spirits in the jade flute, then if the resentful spirits get into the body of the national teacher, what's the deal?

Jin Yuan grabbed Chao Li's shoulder and was trying to think of a way to drive the resentful spirit out, when Chao Li rolled his eyes and passed out.

And the officials and common people who were originally affected by the sound of the flute all stood up with dazed expressions.

They had no memory of what had just happened.

I only know that the national teacher picked up the jade flute, and then fell unconscious from the pain!

Naturally, she didn't see the situation where Jin Yuan was using the dust whisk to cast immortal spells.

Seeing that the national teacher was unconscious on the ground, Changsun Yan was the first to react: "Your Majesty, this..."

Zhuo Yanchong looked coldly at the national teacher lying on the ground, and waved his hands and said: "Take him down, put him in prison, and I will interrogate him!"


Changsun Yan led his troops to take the unconscious national teacher down.

Lin Fu also quickly came back to his senses, and asked in a low voice beside Zhuo Yanchong: "Your Majesty, will this grand ceremony continue?"

Zhuo Yanchong looked coldly at the mess outside the ancestral temple, then turned his gaze to Jin Yuan, as if asking for her opinion.

Jin Yuan shrugged, originally wanted to jokingly ease the atmosphere, but before she could open her mouth, she felt pain in her chest again.

It's similar to the pain of the soul leaving the body after being shocked by Yuxiao last time...

(End of this chapter)

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