Chapter 390 Finding Out 11
But in the eyes of others, she clearly kissed him on her own initiative...

Everyone must have felt that her actions were shocking!

"I like you to take the immortal energy for me..."

Zhuo Yan gave a low laugh.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the blood lotus seed thrown on the ground by Jin Yuan, and he was in a daze for a while.

He didn't understand why he suddenly became manic just now.

It's just that when I smelled the fragrance of the blood lotus seeds, various images flashed in my mind.

A voice in his ear kept telling him what he had lost!
Then my heart began to ache, and great sadness and anger surged up.

It wasn't until Xiao Yuan Bao'er kissed him that the inexplicable mania in his heart gradually faded away.

"I'm giving you immortal energy, not kissing you..."

Jin Yuan glared at him, but her face was still full of concern.

"Does your heart still hurt?"

"If it still hurts, will you continue to give me immortal energy?"

Zhuo Yanchong raised his eyebrows and asked back with a smile.

Jin Yuan was so angry that her little face became even more charming, she grabbed his sleeve and shouted, "You big-headed ghost... If you feel uncomfortable, don't hide it from me!"

Zhuo Yanchong stroked her hair, looked at her dotingly and smiled, "I won't hide it from you... But every time you recover your immortal energy, the pain really doesn't go away..."

"of course!"

Jin Yuan tilted her head triumphantly and smiled.

Seeing the empress flirting, Changsun Yan and the guards didn't know where to look.

Did they read it right just now...

Miss Jin Yuan actually kissed the emperor in front of everyone?

It's all right to kiss the emperor proactively, but dare to yell at the emperor?

And the emperor is not only not angry, but also full of joy?

They are getting more and more confused!

Dare to love the emperor originally liked a woman with an open style?

"Ahem, Your Majesty..."

Changsun Yan originally didn't want to disturb the two of them, but the things in the National Teacher's Mansion have not been processed yet.

"I think this flower is weird..."

Before Zhuo Yanchong could answer, Jin Yuan broke free from his arms, and her expression returned to seriousness.

"It's really weird..." She nodded, looked at the blood lotus seed again, and frowned slightly.

PS: Wait for more~~
(End of this chapter)

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