Chapter 391 Finding Out 12
"When the national teacher said the origin of the blood lotus seeds, I felt a little strange..."

She frowned and pondered.

And the strangest thing is, Zhuo Bingshan sniffed the flower, and was driven mad by it...

But when she snatched the blood lotus seeds just now, she didn't feel anything.

He didn't smell any strong fragrance, but smelled an imperceptible smell of blood.

"Then what should we do with the blood lotus seeds?"

After the previous events, Zhang Sunyan admired Jin Yuan more and more, and asked her about it.

The tone is also very respectful.

"Shovel this flower, I want to see what the flower fertilizer under this flower is made of!"

Jin Yuan spoke calmly.

Changsun Yan cast his eyes on Zhuo Yanchong, who nodded, agreeing with Jin Yuan's statement.

Changsun Yan took a few guards to shovel away the soil from the two pots of blood lotus seeds, finally revealing the stems of the blood lotus seeds.

The flower stems are domineeringly entrenched in the soil, as if they have deep roots.

The guard pulled it out several times, but did not shake it.

Jin Yuan leaned over to examine these flower stems carefully, and then reached out to touch them.

There are thin and dense thorns on the flower stems, which are very thorny to the touch.

And there was a very sharp thorn that accidentally pricked Jin Yuan's finger.

A drop of blood emerged from the fingertip and dripped on the flower stem.

Seeing this, Zhuo Yanchong hurriedly wanted to pull her up, frowned and said, "Be careful..."

Jin Yuan shook her head, pulled him over and leaned over, pointed at the flower stem and said, "Look..."

Zhuo Yanchong took a closer look, and saw that the blood dripping on the flower stem gradually penetrated into the flower stem, and then disappeared.

But the flower stem seemed very dissatisfied with so little blood, and the small thorns on its body suddenly grew a little bigger.

A branch stretched out towards Jin Yuan, trying to wrap her hand.

Everyone couldn't help opening their eyes wide, they had never seen such a weird flower.

Zhuo Yanchong pulled Jin Yuan away and blocked the thorny branch for her.

The branch suddenly flung onto Zhuo Yanchong's arm, cut through his sleeve, and brought out a long bloodstain.

Sun Yan, the general who protects the country, hastily pulled out the sword at his waist and slashed at the branch. With a bang, the branch was cut off.

(End of this chapter)

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