Chapter 392 Finding Out 13
A large stream of juice gushed out and splashed on the ground.

He turned his head and yelled at the guards again: "Quick, protect the emperor—"

A group of guards rushed up and surrounded Zhuo Yanchong and Jin Yuan.

Under Changsun Yan's extremely fast sword energy, the branch was finally cut off on the ground.

And the flower stems became more peaceful, and retracted the spreading branches, as if hiding deeper in the soil.

"This blood lotus too weird..."

Jin Yuan was silent for a long time before shaking her head and sighing.

She lowered her head to look at Zhuo Yanchong's arm.

"Your hands are bleeding..."

Looking at the blood on his sleeve, she felt her heart pounding, and wanted to take out a silk handkerchief from her bosom to bandage him up.

But I didn't find it after searching for a long time.

"It's okay..."

Zhuo Yanchong took her hand and comforted her with a smile, and then said to Changsun Yan: "Continue to shovel the soil, and we must shovel out all the roots of the blood lotus seeds!"


Changsun Yan and a group of guards continued to work hard.

Until he was sweating profusely, he finally dug out all the rhizomes of the blood lotus seeds, followed by a strong smell of blood.

Everyone couldn't help covering their noses.

This strong bloody smell is even more unbearable than the stench of the bones just now!

And what surprised them even more was that those roots grew out of people's heads...

Changsun Yan couldn't help shivering.

Finding skeletons in your back garden is scary enough!
This delicate blood lotus seed actually grew out of a human head...

What the hell is the teacher doing!
Jin Yuan stared at the two heads, because of the soil covering and the branches stretching, the facial features had long been blurred, only the bulging veins could be seen faintly.

"According to my speculation, it may be that the seeds of the blood lotus seed were planted in the human head, so it formed this appearance!"

After the shock, Jin Yuan calmly analyzed.

This so-called strange flower of the Western Regions... probably isn't the case!

At least, she had never heard of such a bloody and terrifying method of growing flowers before!

"Could it be that blood lotus seeds rely on human heads to attract nutrients?"

(End of this chapter)

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