Chapter 393 Finding Out 14
Chang Sunyan asked in surprise.

No matter how courageous he is, he has never seen this before!
One after another astonishing discoveries in the National Teacher's Mansion are enough to challenge his psychological limit!
Jin Yuan shook her head, she wasn't sure what the use of planting blood lotus seeds in people's heads...

But when it comes to absorbing nutrients through the situation just now, she has already vaguely guessed the general idea.

What the blood lotus seeds absorb is not the nutrients in the soil... but the blood!

And just now, Zhuo Bingshan was bewitched by the blood lotus seeds, so he went crazy...

This further proves that this flower is the flower of evil at all!

Zhuo Yanchong quietly looked at the blood lotus seeds rooted in the head, was silent for a while, and said quietly: "Changsun Yan, you have been to those places in the western barbarians, but have you ever heard of this flower?"

Changsun Yan thought for a moment, then shook his head and replied: "There are many strange places in Xiyi, but some places are so bare that it is impossible to grow any plants... But the general also heard that there is a Wuyue tribe who believes in gods and ghosts, and usually Plant some strange things, but this blood lotus seed has never been mentioned by the general!"

As for the mysterious Wuyue Clan, he had never seen them before, let alone the blood lotus seeds!
"What kind of clan is the Wuyue clan?"

Jin Yuan's eyes lit up, and she asked curiously.

"The Wuyue Clan is a special race in the Western Regions. They are haunted and haunted. The general has no chance to meet them. I just heard that they believe in ghosts and gods..."

Chang Sunyan replied respectfully, not daring to hide anything.

There is such a race...

If the blood lotus seeds were really planted by the Wuyue Clan, then she would like to go to the Wuyue Clan to have a look!

Let's see what kind of race they are to plant bleeding lotus seeds in such a cruel way!

"Your Majesty, do these blood lotus seeds need to be destroyed?"

Changsun Yan asked Zhuo Yanchong for instructions.

Zhuo Yanchong was about to nod his head, but something flashed through his mind, and he murmured: "Let's keep it for now!"

"Zhuo Bingshan, do you want to keep this blood lotus seed?"

Jin Yuan widened her eyes, pointed at the blood lotus seeds and said, "But this flower is too evil, and you were bewitched by it just now..."

If this flower is left behind, maybe one day he will be deceived again and go crazy!

(End of this chapter)

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