Chapter 398
Are these fox fur?

Jin Yuan's heart froze, she lowered her head and looked carefully.

Sure enough, these furs gave off a faint luster...

Why are there so many fox furs in the National Teacher's Mansion?

Suddenly, the words she said on the first day of the junior high school flashed through her mind.

On the first day of the junior high school, he said that he wanted to find the national teacher, or the people behind the national teacher to seek revenge...

Could it be that the national teacher once harmed the fox demon in the first grade of junior high school?
Holding these in her hands, she turned around and searched in other corners to see if there were any of the same fox furs!
After searching the house for a long time, she couldn't see anything except the fox fur in her hand.

Did those fox fur fall down unintentionally, or was the liar national teacher playing tricks?

Jin Yuan clutched the fox fur, puzzled.

Walking forward with his head down, he bumped into the opposite person with a sudden bang.

"what are you doing here?"

Zhuo Yanchong frowned and asked in a deep voice.

Jin Yuan raised her head to meet Zhuo Yanchong's eyes. His eyes had long since returned to deep black, but his expression remained cold.

"I was hanging out..."

Jin Yuan didn't show him the fox fur in her palm.

"Wandering around?"

Zhuo Yanchong was not very satisfied with her answer, his brows furrowed deeper, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Does the national law stipulate that I can't hang out in the National Teacher's Mansion?"

Jin Yuan raised her eyebrows and asked back.

Seeing that he didn't answer, she poked him again, and quietly asked, "What about you? What are you doing here?"

"I'm checking to see if there is any other evidence of treason in the National Teacher's Mansion..."

Zhuo Yanchong only spoke half of what he said, his eyes fell on the fingers pointing at her body, and his mind was once again in a daze.

The woman in front of her was his queen...he knew it clearly!
But what about the others?

Why is there always a voice in his ear telling him that he has forgotten a very important woman? !

If that woman really existed before Xiao Yuanbao...

So where is she now?
Thinking of this, another feeling of distress surged up in his chest, and he quickly waved his sleeves to push away her little hands that had fallen on him.

(End of this chapter)

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