Chapter 399
It's just that when I saw her surprised and disappointed expression, a little pity flashed in my heart.

He is getting more and more confused...

Who did he forget and who did he love?

Jin Yuan didn't expect that he pushed her away annoyed, as if he thought her actions were rude.


The word "iceberg" at the back was swallowed back.

She rarely saw him put on the majestic demeanor of an emperor in front of her, and she never cared whether he was an emperor or not!

But just after he suddenly turned cold towards her, she suddenly understood...

Just because she doesn't care that he is an emperor doesn't mean he isn't an emperor!
He actually thought her inadvertent actions just now were so rude, so wouldn't it be even more rude for her to call him Zhuo Bingshan!

But she really hates getting along so strangely!

If Zhuo Bingshan becomes like this in the future, she might not be able to bear it!
After much deliberation, it must still be the problem of the blood lotus seed!
"What do you want to tell me?"

Seeing her hesitant to speak, Zhuo Yanchong asked displeasedly.

Jin Yuan shrugged, sighed helplessly, and said in a teasing tone: "I want to see if you are possessed by something, and your words and deeds are suddenly possessed by evil..."

Speaking of "evil", Jin Yuan's eyes suddenly lit up, she patted her head, took out the whisk, and shook it at Zhuo Yanchong.

The dust whisk has the effect of purifying the mind, if he is really confused, the dust whisk should be able to help him!
"What do you want to do?"

Zhuo Yanchong looked coldly at her swinging the whisk around him, his face sank.

"Don't worry, I will exorcise you..."

Jin Yuan blinked, smiled mysteriously, and muttered the mantra of purifying the heart while holding the fly whisk.

But Zhuo Yanchong didn't change at all, his face was as cold as ever.

"Eh? Is this useless?"

Jin Yuan looked at Fuchen in her hand in surprise, then at Zhuo Yanchong, shook her head in disbelief, and said to herself.

Zhuo Yanchong snatched the whisk from her hand, threw it on the ground, and scolded in a cold voice: "Don't play tricks in front of me... I always hate people who pretend to play tricks, unless you want to end up like the national teacher!"

(End of this chapter)

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