Chapter 405
"It was fine when I gave him the immortal energy, but who knew that there would be a dispute when I was dealing with the blood lotus seeds... He insisted on keeping this flower, and then behaved more and more strangely, as if he doubted me..."

"Blood lotus seeds?"

On the first day of the new year, she was startled. She had heard of this kind of flower before...

The master also mentioned it once, saying that this flower is too evil, and it will only grow beautifully after absorbing the blood of living people!

"On the first day of the junior high school, do you know this flower?"

Seeing the change in her expression, Jin Yuan hurriedly grabbed her sleeve and asked eagerly.

Chu nodded and replied: "I have indeed heard of this flower, it is the most evil of all flowers!"

"Then does it confuse people's minds?"

Jin Yuan carefully recalled the previous situation.

Both she and Zhuo Bingshan have touched and smelled this flower, but why is only Zhuo Bingshan confused?
"I'm not sure about the confusing statement..."

Chuyi shook his head apologetically. "Maybe we won't know until the master comes back!"

"I'm afraid Zhuo Bingshan won't be able to wait..."

Jin Yuan sighed worriedly, and then asked suspiciously: "Where did your master go?"

"Master went to find out the whereabouts of the monster behind the master..."

After thinking about it on the first day of junior high school, she decided to tell Jin Yuan all those things.

"Miss Jin Yuan, do you still remember that Concubine Chen rushed over outside the ancestral temple?"

Jin Yuan nodded, she almost forgot about that.Thinking about it now, Concubine Chen behaved extremely strangely at that time.

"Concubine Chen was possessed by that monster. Fortunately, the master's farewell Gu drove that monster out of Concubine Chen's body..."

Jin Yuan nodded in amazement.

It turned out that Concubine Chen was possessed, no wonder she felt that Concubine Chen's eyes were very strange at that time!

"Could it be Mrs. Qin behind the national teacher who is possessing Concubine Chen?"

Jin Yuan boldly guessed.

"Mrs. Qin?"

On the first day of the junior high school, I repeated these three words with doubts.

"That's right... the bones dug up at the National Teacher's Mansion today were all sucked out of energy. I suspect that she is the one who did all of these..."

When Jin Yuan said this, she paused: "But I met her before, and I didn't realize that she had a demonic aura..."

(End of this chapter)

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