Chapter 406
"By the way, on the first day of junior high school, I was just at the National Teacher's Mansion, and I found this..."

As Jin Yuan said, she took out a bunch of soft fox fur from her bosom and placed it in front of Chu Yi.

The first day of the junior high school who originally frowned in doubt, saw sparks of resentment in his eyes the moment he saw these fox furs.

"I didn't find anything else, only these hairs, I think, maybe it has something to do with you..."

Seeing the sudden change in the expression on the first day of junior high school, Jin Yuan said worriedly.

The look of the first day of junior high school has changed in every way.

In addition to being angry, a sad and bitter smile appeared on her lips.

"You're right, Miss Jinyuan, these hairs belong to my brothers and sisters from the Silver Fox Clan..."

Gently stroking the fox fur in his hand on the first day of the lunar new year, he sighed quietly: "We silver foxes, we lived very comfortably at first, and we just waited for many years of cultivation to ascend to immortality...but I don't know where to start, they began to disappear one after another, Only my elder sister escaped back with her last breath, she didn't say anything, she just told me to run away quickly..."

She has always remembered that period of the past deeply!

Not just to remind herself all the time, but also to find a chance to avenge her brothers and sisters!

"It was only later that I hugged my sister's dead body and realized that her Yuan Dan was taken away, and all her cultivation was also sucked up..."

Speaking of this on the first day of the junior high school, his expression suddenly became excited.

"I have been investigating for many years. When I was injured, I was rescued by the master... I have been practicing with the master since then, and it was not until recently that I found out about the national teacher..."

Having said that, she lowered her head and quickly wiped away a tear from the corner of her eye.

It was the first time that Jin Yuan saw the strong Chu Yi showing such an expression, and finally understood how deep her hatred was.

From being accidentally taken to the heavens to being sent down to guide Zhuo Bingshan to do good, she seems to have never encountered any major changes.

Compared with the first day of junior high school, she seems to have been going smoothly!

It's too smooth...and too comfortable!
Is that why the Heavenly Emperor let her practice in the mortal world? !
Jin Yuan sighed inwardly, patted the first day of junior high school on the shoulder to comfort her and said, "First day of junior high school, karma reincarnates, evil comes with evil, you will definitely find that cruel murderer, and avenge your brothers and sisters!"

(End of this chapter)

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