Chapter 414
As a result, when she was excited, the strength of her fingertips suddenly increased, and with a "boom--", the string broke.

She stuck out her tongue and stopped.

However, all the ministers looked pale.

This zither sound... is completely different from Luo Fei's zither sound just now!

Probably only better than Magic Sound Piercing Ears!
Regardless of the sound of the piano, the strings of the piano were actually broken, and it was broken at the wedding banquet...

After all, the meaning is not very good!
However, fortunately, the strings were broken, otherwise they don't know if they can bear it!

Jin Yuan didn't know what the ministers were thinking.

He turned his head to look at Zhuo Yanchong, saw his face was livid, shrugged and smiled: "You let me play it, don't regret it..."

Who told her not to understand these things!

He didn't look at her, his eyes slowly turned to the broken string of the guqin, and he waved it in front of him.

So, under everyone's shocked eyes, Zhuo Yanchong waved his hand and played a piece quickly on the piano with one string missing.

The sound of the song is passionate and high-pitched, just like the sound of the bugle, which shakes the spirit of thousands of troops.

It's just that the more you go to the back, the more intense the tune and fingering.

Jin Yuan looked over worriedly, and sure enough, Zhuo Yanchong's whole body exuded a manic aura.

Those deep eyes also shone with a bloodthirsty hostility.

Jin Yuan yelled badly in her heart.

Before he finished playing, she held down the strings with one hand, and pressed his shoulder with the other.

"Zhuo Bingshan, wake up quickly..."

Zhuo Yanchong didn't seem to hear her cry, he was still fingering frantically, and the singing became more and more intense.

The broken string cut Jin Yuan's palm under his frantic fingering.

Drop after drop of blood dripped on the strings.

But Jin Yuan couldn't care less about the pain at this time, and just wanted him to stop playing.

Moran, who was rushing over from Lin Fu, saw the astonishing scene at a glance, and shouted: "Queen, your hand..."

With a sound of "Ding--", Zhuo Yan dialed one last time, and the intense tune ended abruptly.

And Jin Yuan's hands on the strings were covered with blood.

Moran rushed up, took out a handkerchief to cover Jin Yuan's bleeding palm.

(End of this chapter)

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