Chapter 415
The ministers also felt that this situation was not quite right, and looked at the emperor and queen worriedly.

Zhuo Yanchong's eyes fell on Jin Yuan's injured hand, and there was a slight ripple in his eyes.

"This is the end of the banquet..."

After he finished speaking coldly, he stood up and walked away.

The ministers looked at each other, not understanding what happened.

Lin Fu, the eunuch in charge, came out with a smile, and said to all the ministers, "The emperor is not in a good mood, everyone, please go back!"

Now that Lin Fu said so, the ministers shook their heads, got up and left with a sigh.

What was supposed to be a lively wedding night ended in such a weird way.

No one expected that the emperor would leave the married queen behind at the banquet and openly leave.

And Jin Yuan stood where she was, staring blankly at Zhuo Yanchong's figure until Mo Lan brought her back to her senses.

"Queen, do you want to ask the imperial doctor to look at your hand?"

Jin Yuan shook her head nonchalantly, and said to herself suspiciously: "Didn't he remember everything? Why is it still so strange?"

Moran didn't know what happened the moment she left, but his heart was agitated.

"Just now, my servant asked Eunuch Lin about the theater troupe... Eunuch Lin said that it was the theater troupe who just came to the imperial city, and even took this servant to the backstage to find their troupe master, but all the theater troupe disappeared!"

When Moran talked about the incident just now, he was very disturbed.

So many strange things have happened lately...

"Missing the figure?"

Jin Yuan frowned, and said in a low voice: "Even if they leave, they should receive the reward before leaving. How could they disappear in such a short time?"

"Yeah, the servant girl can't figure it out..."

Moran nodded and sighed.

"It seems that there is indeed a problem with the troupe!"

Jin Yuan concluded in a deep voice.

Mortals don't suddenly disappear unless...they're not human!

But what is the purpose of them appearing at the wedding banquet and performing such a tragic scene?
Zhuo Yanchong almost lost his temper after watching that play, could it be that...they still rushed towards Zhuo Yan? !

Did they and Mrs. Qin go together?

She was getting more and more confused.

PS: Sorry, I have something to do at night, it's even later...

(End of this chapter)

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