Chapter 421 Confused 6
Listening to their discussion, Jin Yuan's hands and feet were cold!

She finally understood why those people looked at her with sympathy.

She thought... Zhuo Bingshan had recovered his memory, or rather his mind!

But unexpectedly, he not only ignored her, but also blatantly favored other concubines!

Her heart throbbed at the thought of him being with other women.

But more anger!
How long will Zhuo Bingshan be confused like this? !
Jin Yuan angrily ran to Zhuo Yanchong's bedroom.

He has already gone to court, and is playing with the blood-beaded lotus seeds he brought back from the State Teacher's Mansion at the back of the bedroom.

"Zhuo Bingshan, you bastard, wake up soon..."

Jin Yuan yells at him.

Seeing him staring at the blood lotus seed with all his attention, she slapped the potted flower to the ground angrily.

Zhuo Yanchong turned around, with a layer of anger floating on his face, he said coldly: "How dare you scold me!"

"Of course I'm going to scold you, I'm going to scold you until you wake up..."

With her hands on her hips, Jin Yuan raised her head and looked at him.

Zhuo Yanchong's expression changed slightly, he suppressed the anger in his heart, and ordered in a cold voice: "You pick up the flowers..."

"It's the flower that confused you..."

Jin Yuan snorted coldly, and stepped on the blood lotus seed, wishing she could crush it.

Seeing that the blood lotus seeds were about to be destroyed, he felt that the woman missing from his intuitive memory would no longer be found!

He pushed Jin Yuan away fiercely without thinking, his voice was as cold as ice.

"If this flower is destroyed, you can bury it with it!"

Jin Yuan didn't expect that he would exert so much force to push her away, she staggered and almost fell to the ground.

Seeing him holding up the blood lotus seed as if holding the most beloved thing, and the cold threat he just said echoed in her ears, her heart suddenly ached.

She knew she heard right...

He actually let her be buried with this blood lotus seed?

Even though she is a fairy, even if her physical body is gone, she still has no loss, but his words still hurt him severely!
It hurt her more than knowing that he called other women to sleep with him!

She never expected that the blood lotus seeds would have such a great influence on him...

PS: Ah Li also feels sorry for Xiao Yuanbao, alas, dear friends, pia~~ It’s just a little bit of abuse
(End of this chapter)

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