Chapter 422 Confused 7
So big that he completely forgot how he felt for her!

She sniffed, trying not to shed tears in front of him, suppressing all her emotions and said, "I went to check on the troupe last night, so it turned out that they were instructed by someone to rehearse such a play on purpose." Let me show you... the blood lotus seed is also there, whether you believe me or not, I will tell you, I will not give up and let you regain your sanity!"

Her tone was exceptionally firm, her voice trembling slightly.

A complicated light flashed in his eyes, and he suddenly regretted the way of pushing her away so resolutely just now!
It's just that he doesn't like... the feeling that he can't control it!

When he thought that the blood lotus seeds were almost destroyed, he suddenly lost control...

"Jin Yuan, even though you are a queen, don't think that you can do whatever you want with this status... I can make you or destroy you!"

He said these words out of nowhere.

When he saw her rapidly pale face, his heart suddenly twitched.

"I know that you summoned Concubine Luo to sleep with you last night..."

Jin Yuan wanted to pretend to be indifferent and shrugged and smiled, but in the end, the smile on her lips was more bitter than Huanglian.

"I never cared whether I could be a queen, all I cared about... is you!"

She sighed softly and closed her eyes, unwilling to say any more, she turned and left.

Suddenly, a sharp pain hit her chest, which made her breathless.

It hurts a lot more than when the spirit was beaten and flew out of the body...

Maybe it was because of being shocked by Yuxiao's power outside the ancestral temple yesterday, maybe it was because of Zhuo Yanchong's indifferent attitude and words.

She couldn't tell the difference anymore, she just felt a burst of severe pain sweeping towards her.

Zhuo Yanchong noticed that her body was shaking more and more, and inexplicable panic hit her heart.

Seeing her fainted, he threw away the blood lotus seeds in his hand, ran over and hugged her.

He knew nothing, nothing in his mind, no other voices in his ears.

All he knew was that he couldn't just watch her faint.

I can't even watch her leave me!

"Little Yuan Baoer..."

He held her warm body in his arms, and couldn't help calling her in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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