Chapter 423 Confused 8
But she didn't even have the strength to smile, she leaned against his arms, and lost consciousness from the pain.

Zhuo Yanchong unconsciously hugged her tightly, and shouted to the outside: "The imperial doctor, where is the imperial doctor? Quickly pass the imperial doctor to me—"

The roar was hoarse and wild.

Moran was the fastest to rush over.

She still didn't understand what happened, but she couldn't help gasping when she saw Jin Yuan lying in the emperor's arms with her eyes closed.


Her eyes widened in surprise, and she really wanted to ask the emperor what happened.

She had never seen the emperor show such panic and despair.

But Zhuo Yanchong's gaze stayed on Jin Yuan, and he said to Mo Lan without raising his head, "Why don't you call the imperial doctor?"

The cold voice had already begun to tremble slightly.

Because of the queen's sudden coma, the palace was in chaos again.

Many people guessed that the wedding day was not chosen as a good day and auspicious day, that's why so many accidents happened in vain!

Otherwise, the well-behaved national teacher was arrested, Concubine Chen went crazy, and the queen fell into a coma again? !
And all the imperial doctors in the palace were invited, no one knew the cause of the queen's coma, they just shook their heads helplessly.

The previous coma was different, this time Jin Yuan didn't have cold hands and feet and no breathing, but the imperial doctor still couldn't find the cause.

In a rage, Zhuo Yanchong wanted to drag all the imperial doctors out and behead him, but in the end it was the eunuchs Lin Fu and Mo Lan who were in charge to persuade him.

"Your Majesty, the Queen's House is kind-hearted, and I definitely don't want anyone to be beheaded because of this..."

"That's right, the queen always tells her servants that good and evil are rewarded, and karma reincarnates. The queen is so kind, she will definitely wake up!"

Moran nodded and echoed Lin Fu's words.

Zhuo Yanchong quietly looked at Jin Yuan who was lying on the bed without moving, and after a long silence, he said coldly: "If she can't wake up, you can bury her with her!"

Lin Fu and Moran turned pale with fright, and hurriedly lowered their heads not daring to say any more.

When Zhuo Yanchong said the word "buried with him", his whole body became stiff suddenly.

This word, he once said to her...

He said, if the blood lotus seed is destroyed, then she should be buried with the flower...

(End of this chapter)

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